Ribbon the new minion

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In the Toon Patrol HQ , Drake drops Silva off as baby Duck looks and babbles

Savy: Hi Silva!

Silva- Hi mommy !

Duck- Biba !

Silva: Duck! *hugs him*

Duck hugs her back.

Duck- Biba !

Angel coos*

Duck- Engwish

Savy: Awwwww.

Sonia holds Annie*

Smarty- They are so cute~

Arabella giggles as she comes in.

Arbaella- Hello !

Savy: Oh, hello Arabella!

Arabella- Guys ! I have a new friend I want you to meet !

Sleazy: Really?

Slimy: Who?

Then Malikai comes in having his long brown hair in low pig tails , wearing a pink blouse and red pants and high heeled sandals

Savy: Malikai?

Malikai: I don't care if you laugh at me.

Arabella- Thats not Malikai ! Thats Volcano Yvette !

Sleazy: Wut....

Arabella- That's her name ! Volcano Yvette !

Flasher: We know it's you Malikai.

Malikai: Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.

Arabella- For the last time HER NAME IS YVETTE YOU DUMBASSES !

Psycho: Hey hey, there are kids here!

Arabella- Fuck you and your kids ! Thats Yvette !

Malikai facepalms*

Arabella- Right Yvette

Malikai: Right.

Arabella- Eee ! You guys are dumbos if you cant tell a diffetence between a boy and a girl !

Sleazy: Oi vey.

Malikai: Sis when can you turn me back?

Arabella-( Jokingly ). 2 years

Malikai: Bruh.

Arabella giggles and nibbles his nose

Malikai chuckles*

Meanwhile at Tride's lair*

Lila: Tride should be back with his new minion.

Plesio: I heard rumors it's a new fish mutant, probably a hot angel fish.

Radne- Oh fuck off.

Cecilia- Yeah fuck off

Slobster: I bet it's a dinosaur fish.

Aglaope- Lets just hope it's not some hot girl.

Radne- Yeah. If it is Imma beat her

Pisces- Yeah !

Tride came in with Delia: I'm back everyone.

Aglaope- Oh boy.

Tride: My I introduce the new minion I humanoid, Ribbon.

A big ribbon eel with a robot suit came slithering in*

Aglaope-(Glares) Great.

Hook Fang: It's a boy.

Radne- Well hubba hubba then !

Ribbon looks at them: So this is your big team of humanoids and non humanoids.

Tride- Yes. These are my team.

Radne- Wow...

Lila: He is pretty handsome.

Algaope- Oh my~ How come eels are so handsome ?~

Hook Fang: Oi vey.

Repteel: Hey, I'm half eel.

The girls giggle as they fawn over Ribbon's muscular body and fainted.

Plesio- Pisces I have something to tell you.

Pisces- What is it ?

Plesio: Well, Lancet has a crush on Lila before you came to him*

Pisces gasps and burst into tears

Lancet: Plesio?! What did you say to her?!

Plesio- Nothing... Just told her the truth...

Lancet: Oh you dummy.

Plesio- Told her you flited with Lila

Lancet: Look that was months ago, I had no interest in her anymore.

Pisces didnt hear him as she cries because of Plesio

Lancet: Oh boy...

Radne- Way to go.

Lancet sighs.

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