War, am I right?

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So basically, the henchmen get attacked by the tankmen and uh... I guess I'll just wait to see how it ends, heheh... heh...

I can tell today's gonna be a good day already! Commy gave me and easy job to do and I can do it with him! Things are going so well for me, I can see things going good in the ne-

"COMMANDER! THE ENEMY IS H-" I heard a soldier yell on the radio before a gunshot interrupted him, leaving the soldier silent. After a little while more gunshots were heard and among all of the noise another soldier yelling in the other soldiers radio

"Commander! We need you at base! The enemy attacked us and we need help!" And then the radio turned off...

"Crap..." Commander mumbled to himself, driving the tank back to base. On the way there I panicked, did those soldiers die? Will I die like them? Were the only thoughts in my head

"Commander... will we die?" I whimpered to my leader with fear in my voice

"Well what do you think Tim? Everyone at base is under attack and I'm not there to lead them!" He snapped, it only scared me more, if I didn't die I'd be yelled at for almost making everyone else die!

"Sorry..." I whispered, not wanting to be yelled at even more

Time skip because they don't say anything, or do anything else on the way there

Once we got back to base I immediately jumped out of the tank, with my gun, into battle. Or at least thats what I was trying to do when Commander pulled me by the white stripes on my armor.

"Where do you think you're going? You need to stay in here where it's safe" he said, putting me in the driver's seat before running off to help his army

"But Commander! I need-" I tried explaining, but he was already gone. I drove the tank closer into battle, just in case someone needed it, but in the heat of battle I saw one of the enemy soldiers helping another soldier... wait, no, it wasn't a soldier it was the enemy captain, he was injured! This could be my chance!

I quickly aimed the tank at them but stopped, it looked as if the soldier was tending to his captain's wounds with care, then the two of them shared a hug, as if it was the last that they were gonna see each other... it was as if they had been best friends. I didn't want to be the cause of the end of a happy friendship, I wanted to have be in one.

I decided not to fire and leave them be, even if I was gonna get yelled at I couldn't just kill them, they had obviously grown a close bond, and I wasn't going to break it. Then all of a sudden I saw the soldier and Captain kiss

"Oh... they're so cute..." I whispered to myself, in a bit of shock but it made me happy. Happy to see them happy... the enemy... then I looked away, to find MY captain "Where is he...?" I was starting to get a little scared when I spotted him being surrounded by enemy soldiers

I immediately grabbed my gun and ran into battle, without even thinking about it. I found Commander in the crowd of injured soldiers, dead bodies, and blood. Then I shot and killed one of the soldiers cornering Commander, then the other two looked at me and started firing their  guns. I was dodging bullets while shooting at the same time, I thought I was doing good until I heard a loud gunshot... then ringing... then nothing as I blacked out.

Another time skip because I'm lazy also POV switch because I say so

Commander's POV

After the battle I had gone to the infirmary to get my wounds bandaged and other things I didn't have time for. When I opened the door I saw the one thing I didn't want to see. Tim, his chest covered in bandages, laying motionless.

"Is he ok?" I immediately asked a nurse helping another soldier while pointing at Tim

"He's fine, his breathing is normal and his heart beat is perfect if I'm being completely honest, It's a miracle he's doing this well" She went back to helping the soldier

"Thank the heavens..." I mumbled quietly while walking up to Tim. Although I didn't want to admit it, I had feelings for him and I genuinely care about him. I sat on the side of his bed, completely forgetting why I had gone there in the first place, when suddenly I felt a nurse grab my arm and start tending to the various wounds on it

"Thanks" I mumbled quietly, my eyes still on Tim. His helmet was off, revealing his adorable face. I studied it, feeling my own face heat up, I hadn't seen him like this in years. It was basically a new experience for me

"I was shocked when I saw his face too, he looks way to adorable to be an adult man, let alone a soldier in  a war..." the nurse bandaging my wounds spoke up, seeing that I was staring at Tim's face I hummed in response, not wanting to talk very much. I spaced out while adoring Tim's features, I thought about how with just a few words I could get this cute, short, happy, energetic man to be my boyfriend and I could show him all of the love and affection that he deserves

"There, you're free to go. Just be careful when you use this arm, it might hurt" the nurses voice snapped me out of my daydreams

"Alright... Time to get back to work!" I quickly a sat up, ignoring the fact I just let somebody know about my feelings for Tim

I left the infirmary to go to my office, the only problem was... I had nothing to do, because when I got to my office I remembered that I had already finished everything. What am I to do now?

Maybe I could plan my confession to Tim? No... I don't have time for relationships. Well then why don't you check on the injured soldiers? You already did that idiot. Well then what do you want to do? I want to talk to Tim. But I can't do that right now, I guess I'll just wait... maybe I could watch that movie that Tim loves. I mean, it'd be nice to share something in common with him I guess.


Ok so that movie was too mushy for me but at least it's been 2 hours, maybe I can go see Tim now without the nurses thinking I'm a simp...

Oh boy now it's time for a POV change

It's so boring just laying in a bed with nothing to do but  breath and imagine what life would be like if I hadn't joined the Henchmen, would I have been dead by now?

I wish Commander was here so I at least had someone to look at.

"Hey Tim... are you awake?" I know that voice! It's Commy!

"Yeah, come in!" I answered happily, exited to see my beloved Commander

Then he walked in and sat on a chair next to my bed

"So um... Tim I've been meaning to tell you something..." Commander said in a low voice

"What is it Commy?" I asked with curiosity

"I love you" he said

Cliff hanger And also I know this book is going fast I just want the gays to date already

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