THE DATE PT. 2?!?!?!

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I'm sorry this took 1,000 years I just lost motivation, and then I stopped caring about Tankmen, and then I started using this fanfiction app that uses AI and then a certain video game came out that captured my attention but I'M BACK! Also because I've been gone for so long my writing style might be different, I dunno because I personally don't care but here we go
TW: Death wish! I dunno if it was even necessary but better safe than sorry!

Tim's POV (as usual)
I turned around in shock to find... the enemy captain and his boyfriend?! What were they doing here? Were they going to attack us? I quickly hid behind Commy, like the coward I am, and waited for the moment they'd fire their guns.

"What do you want, John?" Commander questioned irritably. Wait, was that the enemy captain's name? Do they know each other?

"Well, I dunno... I guess I just wanted to congratulate my LITTE BRO, for getting a boyfriend, OSWALD!" The enemy captain, or I guess, John stated loudly.

"YOU TWO ARE BROTHERS?!?" I exclaimed in shock, what kind of a plot twist was this? And Commander's name is Oswald? Like the cartoon rabbit guy?

I saw Commander glare angrily at John before turning away and walking towards the tank.

"Yeah, that's right, coward! Retreat back to your base!" John laughed smugly as he walked back to his tank.

I quickly ran after Commander and joined him in the tank, I looked over at him worriedly. I hope he wouldn't take his anger out on me.

On the way back I kept on hearing Commander mumbling stuff about how he wished John was suffocated at birth and how he ruined our date. Yeesh, I know he ruined it but the death wish was a bit harsh.

When we got back I tried to comfort Commy but he just pushed me away and locked himself in his office, so much for a lovely first date...

I sighed sadly, today was supposed to be special. I'm not usually one to hold a grudge, but I was kinda mad at the enemy captain, or John I guess his name was. Why did Commander hate him so much anyways? What happened before the war?

Steve's POV again because I love him
That was certainly interesting, I mean, I knew John had a brother who he hated, but he never knew that the enemy captain was that same brother. They were twins too, right? They were complete opposites!

"Hey, um... Captain?" I spoke up, keeping my eyes ahead of the tank.

"Yeah?" He responded, a hint of cockiness was still in his voice.

"Why do you hate your brother so much? You seemed to hate him since before we met..." I questioned. (My headcanon is that Captain and Steve have known each other for a really long time, but that's a story for another day.)

"I dunno... he's an asshole?" He answered kinda questioningly, as if he wasn't too sure about what he was saying.

"Oh, that's good" I replied sarcastically. Honestly, what kind if person held a grudge against their own sibling for basically no reason at all?

Um, yeah. I'm not too happy with it but what can you do? Next chapter will probably be about how Captain and Steve met, and also maybe Tim and Commander. I'm sorry if this was an emotional roller coaster or whatever, it's just a headcanon that's honestly kinda stupid

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