1943, Brooklyn

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Elaine trails behind James, her fingers interlaced with his as he leads her up the stairs to his fifth floor walkup in a poorer part of Brooklyn than she would have ever had cause to visit on her own. With every step, she finds her mind drifting to what life might of been like if there was no war. If she could be his girl and this could be their future. If he were going to court her for a respectable amount of time before braving the trip down to whatever Manhattan penthouse Howard was calling home to ask her brother for her hand. If a year from now they were saying their vows in a quaint country church, despite the upper crust society types expecting it to be an extravagant affair. If five years from now they had a pack of children running them ragged on these very stairs. It's with the edge of heart break that she accepts that this lovely picture of the future is a fairytale and bound to remain fictional.

James stops at an apartment and Elaine leans against the jamb, nervously running her fingers along the flaking paint as he unlocks the door.

"Would you like to come in?" He asks, as if she came this far to turn back.

She nods and he places a reassuring hand on her lower back as he guides her in, flicking on a floor lamp in the middle of the floor as they pass.

She looks around, taking in her surroundings. They are sparse, like he packed up any personal effects and took them to his parents in preparation for leaving... in preparation for not coming back. It's spartan, but pleasing. all the furniture is old but well made and clearly well cared for.

She runs her hand over the worn fabric of an old blue couch.

"It's not much." James says, rubbing at his jaw, seemingly uncomfortable with her scrutiny.

"It's perfect." She says.

"I'm sure you're used to..."

"It's perfect." She assures him firmly.

A small smile curves the corner of his mouth.

"May I kiss you?"

Her heart kicks up a notch, but she nods. He nods back and leans in slowly, giving her plenty of time to change her mind. But changing her mind is the last thing she's thinking about.

His lips brush against hers, at first warm and soft, like a whisper.

She grips the lapels of his uniform and he pulls her closer, his kiss hungry and charged with a desperation that make every trace of oxygen leave her lungs. He pushes her up against the wall and kisses down her neck, his hands gripping her waist. His knee nudging hers apart as he settles between them. She feels his erection pressing against her hip, and she pulls away, looking into his eyes, hoping she doesn't look as nervous and clueless as she feels.

"I've never done this before... with anyone."

The fervor in his eyes cools slightly, and it's her turn to squirm under the scrutiny.

"We don't need to do anything you're not comfortable with." He assures her, pulling back slightly.

Instinctively, she grabs his belt and pulls him back in. She sees a fire kindle in his gaze, but his expression stays restrained.

"I want this... I just..." She feels the heat burning in her cheeks and she can only imagine how red her face has turned. "I don't know what to do... and I don't want to... disappoint you."

A laugh bubbles out of James before he manages to turn it into a cough.

"You're not going to disappoint me, Elaine." James whispers, leaning in and brushing his lips against her cheek. "You're perfect."

"I want you."

He tucks her hair behind her ear and gazes into his eyes for a long moment. "I'm yours, doll."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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