A Drive Flashbacks And Getting Lost

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Bridget Pov:

I stomped to my car and let out a frustrated sigh. I have no idea why Randall iced me out after last Friday, but whatever it was despite what I told him I wish it didn't happen. I was getting used to having his dumb, arrogant, gorgeous face around. Now I just felt half empty. Not fully empty, because I didn't feel like I needed him all the time, I just got used to him being around and I'm not going to lie and say I didn't enjoy his company.

I shoved my key into the ignition and started it up. I quickly pulled out of the parking lot and sped down the street. I don't exactly know where I'm going, but I think I need time to think. To think about whatever went on with me and Randall, because something definitely went wrong and I am determined to discover what it was. We were fine until the party Friday. We had so much fun hanging out and everything just went so naturally. It was never awkward around him, okay maybe we had a few awkward moments, but not a ton. We just had a really smooth relationship.

Unlike me and Nathan. Me and him had to work on every aspect of our relationship. Being with him was like work. So obviously when he wanted to get back together at the party I said no. Their was no way I would agree to that kind of torture again.

Have I told you, you are a perv lately?" I asked rolling my eyes at his pigish ways.

"If by lately you mean in the last 5 minutes than yes." He said sarcastically making me laugh like usual. Laughing was so easy around him. I could feel myself getting more and more attached to him. Dangerously attached even. It was as if, if we stopped talking it would crush me.

I heard a crash and turned around to see Nathan standing or more slouching with a bruise on his cheek.

"Bee can I talk to you?" Randall was seething, but I was somehow managing to keep my cool.. Even though I wanted to shoot his dick off.

"Sure, but you get one minute before I kick your balls clean off." I warned and pushed past Randall who was standing in front of me protectively.

"Randall I'm fine it's okay." I assured him and offered him a smile. He relaxed slightly, but was still tense. I walked back into the crowded house. We pushed past the sweating teenage bodies until finally immerging on the porch.

"Bridget I want you back, you mean the world to me. Tina was a mistake, I promise you, you mean so much more to me than she ever did." He pleaded looking at me with his big brown eyes.

"No Nathan, we already crashed and burned, I don't want that again. Plus I'm dating Randall." I said remembering that was what the entire school population thought.

"He is an asshole and doesn't deserve you. He will only break that pretty little heart of yours." He said probably thinking he was being charming, but he was just pissing me off.

"Oh like you did?" I asked shocking him. He just smiled and moved closer.

"Babe I would never do that on purpose. I regret ever doing it." He said moving even closer.

"So your dick accidentally slipped inside of Virginia Brethinhold?" I asked getting even angrier.

"Babe I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you, it was a meaningless fling." He said trying to reason with me. Maybe if I didn't have Randall I would accept his apology, but I knew better.

"Nathan it's not happening, you gave my nudes to Tina and she posted them online! That was humiliating!" I screamed getting angrier.

"Yeah I'm sorry for all that trouble this has caused. I broke up with her though, we are through." He said. I really wanted to kill him right their, but I refrained.

"Okay, well I'm going to find Randall he is probably freaking out." I mumbled trying to walk away

"Wait Bee." He said before I could leave.

"I've missed you and I want you back." I honestly just wanted to go find Randall he was probably trying to find me and freaking out.

"Nate I told you I'm not down that road again." I said before trying to leave again. Than he kissed me. I immediately tensed up. I finally realized what was going on and tried to push him off. He stumbled backwards and looked shocked.

"I am going to find Randall." He suddenly got really pissed.

"You are such a little slut. I could offer you so much more than that asshole!" He screamed than he hit me, hard. I wasn't surprised. That was one of the reasons we broke up. He hit me when I got pissed off that he cheated on me. I broke it off immediately I was not going to turn into my mother who let my dad hit her for years without saying a word. I always looked at her as a coward and I was everything, but a coward.

"Get the fuck away from her." I was expecting Randall, but it was Jarrod. He hit Nathan in the jaw knocking him out for a moment. When he cam to he looked at me and then at Jarrod and got up and walked away nursing yet another bruise. I had tears in my eyes and Jarrod looked at me sympathetically.

"Has he hit you before?" He asks kneeling beside me and letting me rest my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, that's why I broke up with him. Only once though." I said quietly letting myself cry into his shoulder. The hit hurt, a lot.

"Only once? Jesus a man should never hit a women." He said while stroking my hair. I had always like Jarrod, he was such a sweetheart. Never in a romantic way though. Just as a friend.

"Randall is going to be pissed." He mumbled.

"Please don't tell him, it would just blow everything out of proportion." I said quickly snapping my head up to glare at him.

"I don't know, I think he needs to know. He really likes you ya know. Like an unhealthy amount. I have a feeling if he knew he would do something crazy." He said shocking me. I knew he was protective and everything, like a brother, but I never thought he might like me as more of a friend. We had always hated each other and now we are really good friends.

"Please don't tell him." I muttered again resting my head on his shoulder.

"Fine, but if it happens again I won't hesitate. You should go look for him." He said before helping me up. I did look for him, I just couldn't find him. I came to the conclusion he ditched me and I had to find another ride home.

I never found out why he left. I did think that maybe he saw the kiss, but if he saw the kiss he would have saw what happened afterwards and he would have killed Nathan.

I suddenly snapped back to the present and took in my surroundings. I had to be at least four miles out of town. I went to pull over so I could turn around, but my engine made and unpleasant noise and turned off. Out of gas. I cursed and whipped out my phone deciding who to call. I was in the middle of nowhere and barely had an idea of where I was. I knew vaguely how to get back, so I locked my phone and stepped out of the car. I locked it and decided I would get someone to come back for it when I get home. I could use some walking anyways.

After a few miles I realized I had no clue where I was. I thought I had an idea how to get to town, but the surroundings didn't look familiar at all. There was a road sign near so I whipped out my phone and made a quick decision who to call. I needed to talk to Randall anyway. I wasn't sure if he would come, but if he didn't I could always call someone else. Darkness was looming around me and I had no intention of getting stranded for the night. I clicked the contact which was labeled Sexy Bitch, he stole my phone and changed it, and pressed call.


Oh my god I updated so quickly I'm proud! I am rather proud of this chapter, I have been thinking about making a Bridget POV chapter and this seemed perfect. I think the next one will be too, but I'm not sure. So happy with how succesful this is! It might not seem like it to some, but this is huge for me considering this is my first story on Wattpad. Thank you all so much for reading hope you enjoyed it!

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