Car Rides The Mall and My Quirks

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The ride was fairly uneventful, we went to our school and picked up Tori, who I used to think was shy but apparently when she's with Bridget a different side of her comes out, and Jarrod. I also realized something else, Jarrod and Tori have no reservations with PDA. Which is extremely awkward. I think they might have actually had sex in the backseat. AT some point Bridget stopped the car on an empty street and turned around to yell at them. Okay so maybe the car ride was eventful.

"Thank god we're her, I really don't want a baby conceived in my back seat." Bridget said when we pulled up to the restaurant. When we got out of the car I noticed Tori's face was bright red.

"Oh stop blushing, you guys were ridiculous back there." Bridget says when she walks around the car.

"Oh shut up." Tori grumbles and berries her head in Jarrod's shoulder. I'm pretty sure it was mainly Jarrod's fault that they were making out, because Jarrod is a huge horn dog.

"Okay let's go in before they start humping in the middle of the parking lot." Bridget says making Tori's face turn a darker shade of red. I Bridget says one more thing she will turn purple.

"So Bridget you punched Tina?" Tori asks when we finally get a table and get settled in.

"Yeah, she had it coming though." She replies with a huff.

"Doesn't she always?" Tori say making Bridget laugh.

"Pretty much, but this time she had it coming and someone actually gave it to her." I say making all of them laugh.

"She got her good too, there are rumors going around she broke her nose again and she is getting another nose job." Jarrod adds.

"I hope so, that would be awesome." Bridget says before the waiter comes over to take our order.

"So like, you didn't here why she called you a slut?" Tori asks making me cringe. I know where this is going and I do not like it.

"No I walked over and Jarrod was holding Randall back... why did she call me a slut Randall?" She asks getting a suspicious look on her face.

"He didn't tell you he was about ready to bash Nathan's face in?" Jarrod asks I shoot him a glare, but he just shrugs.

"No he didn't. Why were you?" She asks frowning. This can't go anywhere good for me.

"Well me and you both know they are only dating to piss us off and I guess that pissed me off. But I don't think Nathan knows Tina is using him, I just figured he did and I was going to teach him a lesson, but then Tina walked over and yeah." I explain. Tori "aws", but Bridget just frowns and watches me.

"We are going to talk about this later." Bridget finally says with a sigh after watching me for a minute.

"Okay." I nod before giving Jarrod a death glare. Of course he thinks I would have told her, but I only got so pissed, because I like her. And Bridget defiantly does not need to know that.

After we eat we get back into Bridget's car and make a plan to go to the mall. I know it is such a cliché teenage thing to do, but apparently Bridget and Tori NEED new close. So here we all go off to the mall against me and Jarrod's protests.

"Okay so I think we should probably go to Hot Topic first." Tori says enthusiastically.

"Ugh, do you guys really have to put us through this?" Jarrod groans voicing my thoughts.

"You know we're going to Victoria Secrets last and we need someone to give us advice so..." Tori bargains trailing off.

"You know I'm starting to like this whole shopping thing." Jarrod says with a smirk as the girls go on ahead of us.

"Yeah I'm starting to see the joy of it too." I reply. Although I'm nearly positive they were just saying that to get us stop complaining, a guy can dream right?

An hour later and about twenty failed outfits we all head down to the food court. The girls keep teasing us with Victoria Secret, little do they realize me and Jarrod realized their wasn't even one in the mall we are at about an hour ago. We just let them go though and tried not to complain. We figured it's best to keep them happy.

"I want a pretzel." Bridget says as she glancing through the different shops.

"Sounds good to me babe." I say and wrap my arm around her. Tori smirks and whispers something into Jarrod's ear making him chuckle.

"What?" Bridget asks with an annoyed laugh.

"Oh well I just came up with an awesome ship name for you two." Tori says with a giggle.

"Yeah and what is it?" Bridget asks with a sigh.

"Brandall!" She says with a screech.

"That has to be the dumbest name I have ever heard." Bridget says rolling her eyes.

"No it has to be the cutest." Tori state matter of factly.

"God, please never call us that again." Bridget says getting more and more annoyed.

"I have to agree with Bridge on this one." I agreed, the name was dumb.

"Did you just call her Bridge?" Tori asked getting excited again.

"Don't call me that either." Bridget whined punching my arm lightly.

"Naw I kind of like it, I'm going to call you that more often." I said with a smirk,

"You guys should pick out your colors, because it looks like you just made a team of mass annoyance." Bridget said with a smirk.

"I think blue and green like your guys eye colors." Tori said with an annoying smile.

"You are impossible!" Bridget said throwing her hands up.

"Can I just get my damn pretzel so we can leave?" She added before stomping over to the pretzel stand. I followed her and got out my wallet. Even if it was a fake date I was paying, but before I got there she was at the front of the line. There were a bunch of boys in the line and I guess they let her skip. That might have slightly pissed me off, but I didn't say anything.

"I already paid so back off." She said with a smirk.

"Am I that predictable?" I asked with a smirk of my own.

"Yes you are." She said with a sigh as she got her pretzel.

"Well I'm just going to have to change that aren't I?" Her eyes widened and she started shaking her head.

"No I wouldn't, it's one of your best qualities. I like being able to tell what you're going to do it simplifies stuff." She said quickly.

"What does my being predictable simplify?" I asked and she just shrugged.

"Well for starters I can usually tell when you are going to do something stupid, because you get a look on your face like you're thinking really hard. Also I tell when you're annoyed because you turn your head and tap your foot. You also have loads of other quirks, but I'm not going to give them away." She says this all with her head tilted and a thoughtful look on her face.

"Why can't you tell me my own quirks?" I ask slightly amused.

"Because then you might stop doing them and trust me that would be bad."

"Huh." I say simply.

"What?" She asks as she takes a bite of her pretzel.

"You know a lot about me." She furrows her eyebrows and looks at her feet.

"I've known you for like ever so I kind of should don't ya think?" She says her cheeks getting pink.

"Yeah I guess you should." I say with a weird feeling in my stomach.


Sorry for the long wait, school has been hectic. On a happier not I have just reached 70 views and that might not seem like a lot to you guys, but you have no idea how happy that makes me! Thank you all!

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