Chapter 2

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Flinging your head away from his direction, you reach back to you novel but accidentally knock your mug in doing so; sending the remainder of the cold, black  tar across the marble table

Realising the full extent of what had just happened; you rest your elbows atop the clean part of the table and smother your face into your hands. 

Don't cry, don't cry, ugh Y/N please don't cry.

Holding back tears of embarrassment, you lift your head back up to remove your belongings from the table before the tilted surface decided to allow the tar to flow onto them. You let out an exaggerated sigh, trying not to imagine what that all looked like from a third-person point of  view.

After a moment of self-wallowing pity, you sigh again, catching the attention of a waitress who was standing next to him. Coinci-fucking-dentally.

"For Christ's sake- UGH! How did you manage such a goddamn mess?!" The waitress, who you guessed was somewhere around the same age as you, pivots on her heel and marches away like a cadet in training. Your eyes follow her to behind the counter where she collects herself a spray bottle and rather large cloth. She walks back towards you in a way that makes you feel like she might spray the chemical in your eyes as a stun, and then proceed to suffocate you with the rag. Leaving you dead. 

On the floor.

As everyone went about their day-to-day lives.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <3

After having your spillage cleaned up like a two-year-old after feeding, you become involved with your novel again. Your mind was so distracted with the events of the past five minutes that you couldn't concentrate on anything other than a certain word that popped out at you on the page; "Stop". 

Stop, stop.... stop?

Oh Christ, what that all would have looked like form his point of view...

Trying to rid your mind of the cringe intrusive thoughts; you look up to see the worst flirting attempt you had ever seen in your life. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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