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A/N I wrote this some time ago, but since it got a pretty bad reception on ffn, I didn't post it here.

Minato Namikaze. Acclaimed as the Yellow Flash of Konoha throughout the world. The fastest shinobi, the Fourth Hokage, the one who subdued the Nine-Tailed Fox, all of these were names he was known by in the mortal realm. Where he was currently, however, he was known by only one name.

The Stalker.

Before my lady readers start cursing at him (or me, whichever is easier), let me explain. He had no desire to stalk ladies. Kushina Uzumaki was the only woman for him. The person he was stalking was still in the mortal realm. His son, Naruto Uzumaki. Minato would pay attention to what his son was doing from beyond the clouds. He often berated himself for not being there for him.

You see, Minato Namikaze was dead.

Being dead certainly had its perks and downsides. The Fourth Hokage Minato would have seen the perks. But the Minato who saw his son get beaten up, bullied, almost murdered, and generally uncared for, well, he, not so much. Freedom from hunger and thirst was just another way of saying 'No Ramen'. But it also meant he could observe his son while sitting with his wife.

Today was a particularly bad day. Five or so civilian children were chasing the six-year old Naruto. Along with them were two genin and chuunin. Naruto may have been really fast, but he wasn't fast enough to run away from all of them. One of the genin and chuunin held him down, while the others attacked him with their fists. Minato tried the best he could to tell Naruto to fight back, but he couldn't do it from where he was.

His eyes widened as one of the ninja took out a kunai. As the ninja brought it down, Minato closed his eyes and yelled out, "NARUTO!"

Naruto's day wasn't exactly going well. A trip to the hospital would be necessary after the beating he was receiving. But still, he was used to it, at least until he saw the kunai. As it rushed at him, his mind shut down.

Naruto found himself in a sewer. Moving around, he found a cage with a malicious aura coming from it. But from his right, he could feel warmth.

Looking that way, he saw a blond man standing with a look of concern that quickly gave way to wonder. Naruto couldn't hold back the laugh that bubbled from his chest. "You look like someone mashed me and the Fourth Hokage together to create a new person."

To his surprise, the man suddenly laughed loudly. Running over to him, he picked Naruto up and ruffled his hair. "I am the Fourth Hokage, Naruto."

"Y-y-you are the Fourth Hokage?"

The man laughed once more. "Yeah, but you can just call me dad."


While Minato explained everything to Naruto, no time passed in the outside world.

"Uh, hang on, what's that fluffy guy so pissed off about? What's he doin' here?"

"Who you callin' fluffy, you insolent pup?!"

"And why does he have so many tails- Oh."

Minato waited a bit, seeing how Naruto would take it.

"Is he dressed up as the Nine Tailed Fox? Man," he said, looking at the fox, "You'd get even more beaten up than I do on my birthday."

Minato shivered with anger at the citizens. They were harming his son, the jailer of the Nine-Tailed Fox, who wasn't even responsible for the incident!

"Naruto, I think that first, we should take care of the people attacking you."

"Okay, dad", he said, trying out the word for the first time. He found that he liked it. Naruto tried to get out of his mind, but Minato stopped him. "Let me", he offered. Naruto grinned as he sat back down. Minato gave one right back as he spread his soul through Naruto's body.

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