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Į wish we could go back to those good old days,
The airplane flying making us look at it by amaze,
Laughing happily together writing long essays,
Getting lost in sugar and candies, flying aimlessly in the world of maze.

A madness within our souls searching the escape by creating magical ways,
Talking to birds sitting on the tree ignoring the painful sun rays,
An adamant heart which gets what it wants as it either fights or desperately prays,
An innocent mind which hates violence and cheerfully plays.

The little pure children who think Everyone stays,
The naive kids who doesn't know the world of wrecked surveys,
The sinless souls who believes what the world displays,
Giggling and playing along in the universe filled with haze.

I wish I could go back to those good old days,
When the world worked differently and had the childhood craze.


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