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When Kimmon gently pushes the bouquet into Copter's hands, Copter drops his gaze for a moment, his eyes taking in the beautiful flowers in wonder. They were his favorite, and he had already told Kimmon about this during their emails. But yet... the realization is still sinking into Copter's whole being, so for a moment there, he supports the flowers with his hands, yet he doesn't hold them.


Kimmon's so gentle with his words as if he's being cautious of Copter's reaction. But his tone knocks Copter out of his momentarily daydream and Copter accepts the flowers, a little speck of warmness dusting at his cheeks. As ashamed as Copter was to admit it, he had never been given flowers by someone whom he likes before. So he stares down at the bouquet, his finger thumbing at the pretty gold paper. 

The shyness that falls for a second there is obvious, as Copter wasn't saying anything and nor was Kimmon. They basked in each other's presence for a few moments, sharing little smiles and steady glances.

"I, um..." Copter begins, cutting into the shy atmosphere, "I just... I can't believe it's you."

"I can't believe it's you either. I..." Kimmon's hand reaches over to brush gently against Copter's in a light-hearted manner, "It's been what, almost three months now? And to believe this is the first time we ever meet? Gosh, it's crazy, isn't it?"

Copter laughs, his eyes still unable to make steady contact with Kimmon's, "Yeah, it is."

The music is playing steadily, and it seems like there's a colorful aura around Kimmon and Copter feels breathless. If Kimmon couldn't get more captivating than he was, then he was truly glowing now.

Before Copter could say anything else, he finds Kimmon's hand now extended towards him, his palm facing up.

"Will you dance with me, my Prince?" Kimmon says, smiling with his words, unaware of the little heart attack he had just caused Copter.

"Yes! I mean, yes." Copter quickly corrects his tone in embarrassment, clutching his bouquet tighter, "I just... uh-"

"Your flowers? Here, I'll take them to our table. I've already reserved one for us." Kimmon's eyes twinkle beneath his mask as he takes the flowers out of Copter's hands, motioning for Copter to stay close, "Which reminds me, have you taken a look at the buffet? The food there looks absolutely delicious, although I haven't really checked everything out in detail yet. What do you say for a little dinner after a dance?"

"That'll be great." Copter says gratefully as he follows Kimmon in both eagerness but nervousness, "Although I... I really do not know how to slow dance. I'm afraid I'll embarrass myself." He finally confesses and he inwardly dies when he hears Kimmon laugh.

"You too?! Oh, so much for a romantic dance." Kimmon's still laughing as he leads Copter back to the dance floor after he sets down the flowers, "But don't you worry one bit, as long as you're here with me, we can go through anything together."

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