Chapter 8

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Brooke's POV - I was awakened by someone shaking me I sat up quickly and my eyes flew open to see Minho standing in front of my bed.

Minho - Morning Sunshine *he smirked*

Brooke - What the hell! How did you get in ?

Minho - Lucy let me in *he smirked*

Brooke - What's up?

Minho - There is a Gathering in 5 minutes. You have to get up!

Brooke - A what?

Minho - Gathering.

Brooke - What is it about?

Minho - You.

Brooke - Me?

Minho - and Lucy of course.

Brooke - Why?

Minho - Because you two are the only girls and they think that you were sent by the Creaters to spy on us and all that klunk.

Brooke - I can assure you that me and Lucy for that matter are NOT spies.

Minho - You can tell the Keepers that in about *checks his watch* 3 mins.

Brooke - 3 mins! I have to get ready!

I pushed Minho out of the room and shut the door.

--- Skip to the Gathering ---

I walked to the hut type of thing that they call the Council Hall and all the Keepers were there and there were two chairs in the middle of the room assuming one was for me and one was for Lucy. I went to one of them and sat down. Lucy came in not long after me and sat in the other chair next to mine.

Lucy - What's going on? *she whispered*

Brooke - I don't know, all I know is that it's about us. *I whispered*

Lucy - Oh.

We sat there quitely for a few more minutes. Then the door flew open and Newt, Alby and Minho walked in.

Minho sat in a chair across from mine and Alby and Newt sat beside him getting papers and pens out.

Alby - This Gathering is officially started, each of you will have your say including the greenies but if one of you talks while the other speaks you will be kicked out of the Council and will not have a say in anything after that.

Newt - Good That! Ok Zart the Fart you start! *a few of the gladers snickered at the nick name that was said*

Alby - Slim it! You are all testin' my shuckin' patience.

Zart - Ok first off it is weird that there are 2 girls here and the rest are boys but on the other hand they haven't done anything wrong so I don't know why we are having this Gathering.

Newt - What's your bloody point then?

Zart - My point is that I don't think they are spies or whatever klunk you guys are makin' up.

Newt - Ok i'm writin' it down.

After 10 intense minutes it was Minho's turn to talk and I hope he was on our side most people were but I would hope we would help us. He stood up and looked at me.

Alby - What do you say MInho? *he rubbed his temples*

Minho - I think this is rediculous that we are doing this, Why would they send a young maybe seven year old girl to spy on us it just doesn't add up if that's what you're thinking. But I trust Brooke and that's hard for me to say she can be a big help around here with her attitude and her caring nature towards us. And Lucy is the most energetic happy kid i've ever seen or at least remember seeing. She would not do anything to harm us she would only help us instead. She likes us and we should like her too not do this bickering back in forth. That's all I have to say.

Newt - Brooke what do you say? *he gestured for me to stand up*

Brooke - Well I - I...

Gally - Well I think this is all an image and they are pretending to be sweet little girls when they are actually really cruel inside and don't care about anyone here, they want are home to be destroyed to pieces i've seen them before when I went through the Changing I saw them both but Brooke is more of the threat.

Alby - What did I say about interrupting Gally?!

Gally - Someone needed to say it, everone was thinking the same thing!

Alby - Slim it Gally let Brooke speak!

Gally - She doesn't deserve to speak! Everything is going to change because of her! The glade is going to go upside down!

Gally - When I went through the Changing I saw you Brooke! I wanna know who you are and why you were sent here!

Brooke - Gally I didn't --

Gally - Save it Brooke! I don't wanna hear anymore of your lies!

Gally stompted off out of the room and a few boys ran out with him and tried to talk to him and he just didn't listen.

After a few minutes later Fry Pan returned after trying to talk to Gally.

Fry Pan - Gally ran into the maze.

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