Chapter 2 - Solution

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Saiki knew that was something Nuclear to drop onto Teruhashi. But it had to be done. 'WHAT. WHAT. WHAT.' Teruhashi's mind went off. Saiki simply sat there and waited for her to calm down. Which she soon did.

"O-Ok so. Let's go one by one okay Saiki? Psychic powers? What does that include?" Teruhashi asked. Not completely sure how she should be acting. 'I have basic psychic abilities. Telepathy, clairvoyance, that whole shtick.'

She nodded. 'So you can hear this?' 'Yes' Teruhashi tested him to see if it was real. And she could assume it was. "Okay. So you know absolutely everything about me and are basically a god. Got it. Explain the whole kids thing now."

Saiki quickly explained his situation. And how problematic it was. She listened the full way through. Now this doesn't mean she wasn't freaking out. She was really freaking out.

'So now you understand. And that gives the reasoning as to why I had to reveal it to you. I trust you not to reveal it. Questions?' He said. His normal, almost emotionless face is still shown. "So you know my feelings toward you then... That troubles things."

'Yes. I knew about them all along. I shouldn't have to connect all the dots with everything to do with my powers. Most of the time you're around me, I'm using my psychic powers so as to not reveal my psychic powers.' Teruhashi nods.

"So tell me what I should expect from the kids," Teruhashi says. Still processing it all. 'Normal 9 year olds. Energetic, psychic powers, all normal.' Teruhashi mentally facepalms. And then nods. "Let's go. Makoto arrives in about 10 minutes most days"

He quickly teleports the both of them to the living room of his house. Both of the two kids were eating some lunch made by Kurumi. Both of them looked happy. "Mom! There you are!" The boy said as he quickly got out of his seat and ran over to her. And then hugging her.

'We really have our work cut out for us don't we Saiki.' She says while kneeling down to hug him back. 'Good grief' He thinks while nodding. Going to the kitchen to check on his future daughter, who waves to him. He nods back as he looks to his own mother.

"These two are certainly a handful. Smart, strong, and fast. I could only keep them here to eat by using some of you coffee jelly Kuu. They seem to take after you in that sense" Saiki looked annoyed at that sentiment. 'Your fine. We just have to figure out what to do tomorrow. It's Thursday now. Meaning we have a day before we can try and clear this up.'

Kurumi looks at her son. "Do you have a plan?" She asks him. 'Yep. We rely on Teruhashi's luck. If that fails then I'll help her improvise.' She looks a little surprised. If he thinks it is the best way forward then it must be. And that's troubling. 'It most certainly is. Plus we are relatively close to the end of the year. And once that happens, we are even closer to the volcano event they mentioned with the whole time loop thing. Though. Maybe they can help.'

His mom instantly gets surprised. "Kuu! You can't use children to stop a volcano!" She says. Getting a little mad. 'I'm aware. I will only do so if I need to.' Saiki says. Not in flinching. "Fine, fine. Well I'll let you two deal with the kids. Just don't be too harsh with them Kuu!" She says as she goes to her own room to watch her private tv for a while.

"Mom said a lot about how you wouldn't talk with your mouth. But that's troubling isn't it." Kumi said. Done with her food. "It most certainly is." He replies. He knows these two aren't as good at reading him as his brother is. So talking is his only option.

"Wait. If our times are correct, mom shouldn't know about your psychic powers until you graduate!" Kumi said. Freaking out a little that she messed up the timeline. "That's your own fault. But we should just try to keep things going at a good rate."

Saiki analyzed that Kumi seemed to be the more informational side of the two. While Kura acted on emotions and such, Kumi was the one that thought things out. They still have a lot of time to get to the planning Saiki himself does. But everything seems fine.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Before someone said some of the most problematic words that could happen. "Hey Buddy!"

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