Chapter 3 - Is land?

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Saiki had to act quickly. There were two choices. Let Nendo find out about this situation or escape quickly. Four people to teleport would be easy for him. He quickly grabbed Kumi as he rushed to the living room. Where Teruhashi and Kura were having fun, not being too loud, but loud enough there was a chance he could've heard them.

Teruhashi realized the situation. And quickly grabbed Kura, and then grabbed onto Saiki as he sent a psychic message to his mother, 'Mom, Nendo is at the door. Get him away while me, Teruhashi, and the kids get out for a bit.' And then he teleported all four of them out. To the island he and Teruhashi we're stranded on.

Teruhashi sighed, realizing where they were. She was gonna question it. But she knew it was not the time. 'First place that came to mind.' He said to her, she knew that he probably told his mom the situation. As Kura dragged them all to go play on the island. Saiki watched as the 3 others all ran around and had fun. He had some time to self reflect.

'Well I guess this is a comedy anime, or is it a comedy fanfiction really? So we can't expect things to go perfectly. But now that I have some time to think about it. These kids are real. So that means I fell for Teruhashi. What an odd sentiment. But I won't force it. I don't really want this to happen at all. Though if it is set in stone. Then I won't be able to change it. What a circumstance I need to deal with. Breaking fate. But at the same time. Changing fate would cause those two to disappear, and that wouldn't be good. And it's not like we can hide it and then pretend it never happened and nobody would know. But with the Teruhashi fan club, it will be for naught, and with the fact that the author would eventually run out of ideas.' Touche.

'So. Now time to figure out when to tell them. They are likely to figure out something odd happened between me and Teruhashi unless Teruhashi can hide it well. But people like Chiyo would be a problem. She has an almost psychic connection with love. And children are a form of love, a bit of an odd one though. And we can't skip school for all that time, things would go to chaos, even as Teruhashi over-estimates how bad things will be, she isn't the worst at estimating how things will be. And hypnosis is a big no, since so much documentation would be made on the whole thing, it would be trouble to get rid of all the evidence. And it's not exactly hard to see who the other parent would be if one would be introduced as an only parent. There is no easy way out of this. But let's see what happens tomorrow, by that point rumors may have already spread. Unless of course we are able to shelter the kids and make sure they never have an interaction with me and Teruhashi outside. But that would be difficult.'

Let's take a break from Saiki's speed thinking. And see what the kids are doing. Well, they are currently doing a bit of rough housing. Some psychic rough housing. Speeding around at an intense speed as they go full force against each other, which both can handle. Teruhashi is trying to figure out how to even get them to stop. But it's a bit difficult with the problem of them being so focused on the battle.

"Kura! Kumi! Stop fighting!" She yells out. Trying to stop them, but it doesn't work in the end. Quickly Teruhashi runs over to Saiki. "Saiki! Stop them before they do something bad!" Saiki looks up and nods as he looks at the situation. Putting a hand out to grab both of them his telekinesis and pulling them over to him. They both realize that they are both gonna get into trouble. And start apologizing quickly.

Saiki lets Teruhashi deal with the two as he keeps them there. He knows that his powers probably overrule their powers, which makes it easier to keep them in check. But they should probably get some limiters put in to keep the two from doing accidents. That means they have to talk with his brother. That's fun.

Soon Teruhashi is done with the lecture, and says that they should probably start trying to figure out how they can provide for them. They let the two go off and play, with less powers this time.

"They probably can't stay at my house. Makoto would see them easily, and probably my mom and dad. And while you can explain this to your parents easily. I can't. Your home does have a spare bedroom right? They can stay there!" Teruhashi says. Saiki lets her finish before he talks. 'Good points. I think it would be good to share numbers. So I'll tell you mine when we get home. From there I can teleport you here as long as we are alone.'Teruhashi nods. "It's no wonder you keep your powers hidden. They make you seem so... dangerous and just abnormal. I get your perspective. It's great you use them for good, or really just not bad. Your powers aren't exactly legal a lot of the time are they?" Saiki nods as a basic yes. 'Mom will have dealt with this all by now. We can head home any time. In fact it is getting late.' Saiki says.

"Does Kuriko have powers too? Does Kusuke? I can tell your mom and dad don't." Saiki thought for a second on how to answer. 'Kuriko is me. My transformation ability. And no. Kusuke is a natural masochist.' Teruhashi blushed as she thought of their encounter. And nodded. "That makes sense. N-Now then let's go home for the day. Can you pick me up in the morning before school so we can talk a little about our plans?" Saiki nods. As he teleports them both to her house. Making sure they're safe beforehand. Teruhashi waves him off awkwardly as he teleports away to pick up the kids. Thankfully Makoto was just sitting in his room chilling a little for the day once he saw Kokomi wasn't home yet, and maybe stole a few things out of the dirty clothes basket.

"Well. Tomorrow will be interesting. I can't wait... Well Saiki. Let's do this!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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