Day 9

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Day 9:

Grant fixed himself a bowl of cereal after he showered, used to doing things for himself. He put the milk back into the refrigeration box and turned to take the bowl up to his room. His eyes found a pair of grey eyes, a cool marble color with a hazy blue tint.

"Hi," his lips moved involuntarily, his voice came out shyly but solid.

"Grant?" the handsome man said.

"Yeh, what's your name?"

"I'm Kody. You have my genes."

"You're my father?"


"Who's my mother?"

"Her name is Kaitlyn."

"Where is she?"

"I don't know exactly, still sleeping, doing yoga maybe?" Grant had been thinking about his family. He wanted to speak to his parents but he had no idea how to approach them. He feared their reactions and wasn't sure if he could handle rejection. Such harsh emotions were fresh to him as he'd lived a sheltered life.

"Can I meet her?" he asked carefully.


From AzaleaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin