Chapter Eleven

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I made my way to Erics apartment, hiding when I saw other people because I really didn't want to talk to any body. I felt pathetic that I was hiding but I needed to be alone. I hadn't thought about that moment for years - I thought I had it blocked in my mind.

I let myself in to Eric apartment and finally felt like I could relax a little bit. I hadn't been in here since the night of my party. I helped myself to a glass of water and made my way to his bedroom. I really wanted a nap. I kicked my shoes off and climbed under the covers. I fell asleep quickly.

I woke up a few hours later when the bed dipped beside me.

'Hey, I thought you'd left when I first got home' Eric said, reaching over to move some hair from out of my eyes.

'I wanted to sleep it off' I told him.

'Are you ready to tell me what happened in the simulation? Four looked like he knew but refused to tell me' Eric said, slightly annoyed at Four knowing something he didn't.

'I bet Jake told him' I muttered, 'it's not something I like to talk about but I suppose it will tell you why the other leaders treat me how they do.'

'Good, I've always been curious how you get away with things' Eric chuckled.

'Okay so there's about four years between Jake and I age wise which is unusual for Dauntless cos we tend to have kids close together. But it was the year of Jakes training and a few days before his final ranking was released. My parents woke me in the middle of the night and told me we were leaving to join the Factionless. I was confused, I didn't want to join the Factionless and I couldn't understand why they did. I was thirteen, I thought the Factions were for life. I still do. Mum made me go and get Jake and he was furious when I told him. He went and told our parents that we weren't leaving and that he would raise me if they were going to leave us.

They left, Jake passed his initiation and moved back to the family apartment to look after me. Then about two years later, I was around fifteen, I started getting messages from my parents trying to get me to join them. I ignored them but they didn't stop. So I took a gun from Ashtons office cos I had a key, snuck out of the compound, found my parents and killed them.'

'You killed your own parents?' Eric asked, surprised.

'Yeah. They were part of a scheme to try and destroy the factions. I couldn't let that happen. I returned to Dauntless in tears, went straight to Max and told him everything. Ever since then the leaders have looked after me and I've been able to get away with almost everything' I gave Eric a small smile, 'a small reward I suppose for my sacrifice'

'That's a dark fear Cia'

'I know. But it kind of makes sense really given how long I've tried to forget it for' I replied.

'You really are something else Cia.' he said fondly, pulling me in for a hug.

I stayed in Erics apartment until lunch as I was too ashamed to face the others until I had managed to calm myself down. Eric allowed us to walk to the Pit together saying that if anyone asked we could just say that we were discussing my fear. We went our separate fears once we reached the Pit.

'Cia! I looked for you after but you disappeared' Lola pouted when I joined them

'Sorry. I needed a minute by myself' I apologised.

'What was your fear?' she asked.

'I'd rather keep it to myself for now if that's okay. I'm still kinda processing it.'

'Of course Cia, take all the time you need' she replied, hugging me tightly.

Lucy, one of the other initiates who was sat near us scoffed.

'Oh please, Cia has plenty to be scared of' she announces, 'her brother Jake for one.'

'There's nothing wrong with Jake' I rolled my eyes, knowing where she was going with her speech.

'Really? Cos I remember him dropping me for a guy. That's unnatural and something you should be ashamed of.'

'You're just annoyed he got bored with you' I responded.

'Oh please, his 'lifestyle' is disgusting and you know it! Guys are not supposed to love other guys. Not even in Dauntless.'

'Jake can love whoever he wants. So can anyone else for that matter. Dauntless is exactly the right place for people to express themselves however they want' I spat out, starting to get very annoyed with Lucy.

'You know you don't have to defend him just because he's your family. You're allowed to agree with me'

'You need to shut up before I shut you up' I warned her.

'Oh please, you wouldn't dare. Your familys reputation is hanging on by a thread. You wouldn't do anything to jeopardise that or your future leader position' she said smugly.

'You seriously underestimate how much Jake means to me' I replied, launching myself over the table to attack her.

I got in a few good punches - Lucy always was quite weak - before someone grabbed me around the waist and pulled me off her. I struggled against them, wanting to teach Lucy a real lesson.

'Calm down Cia' I heard Eric tell me sternly.

I stopped struggling when I realised he was the one holding me back. Four was guiding Lucy away from the Pit and Eric dragged me the opposite way, refusing to let me go.

He let go once we were in an empty corridor but grabbed my wrist tightly when I tried to go back to the Pit to find Lucy.

'Cia. Stop' Eric told me, 'you got her good now leave it alone.'

'No! She insulted Jake. I should break her legs!'

'Look at me Cia,' he used his free hand to turn my face to his, 'I know you love Jake but you can't beat people up who insult him.'

I frowned. I didn't like being told what to do.

'Let me go. I won't run off. I promise.' I told him.

He didn't trust me at first but eventually he let go of my wrist and when I didn't run, Eric relaxed a little bit.

'I can see the anger you're holding back Cia. I can't have you explode on someone again'

'So help me channel it in to something else' I suggested, leaning in to kiss him.

He kissed me back, pushing me backwards so I was trapped between Eric and the wall. Stolen moments like this were amazing.

'Well this explains a lot' someone behind us said.

We both jumped away from each other and turned to see Trixie smirking at us.

'I heard someone stopped Cia fighting and I was quite surprised when I heard it was Eric who managed it but this makes sense. You always were a sucker for a powerful guy Cia.'

'No one is more powerful than me Trix' I replied stubbornly.

'Hmmm. We're going to test that Cia. Leave her with me Eric. Max has asked me to deal with this.' she told us.

He nodded once and walked away without looking back at me. This was exactly what he didn't want to happen. I looked at Trix who was watching me curiously.

'What?' I asked her.

'He seems different with you' she said thoughtfully.

'I wouldn't tell Eric that. He doesn't want people to know and think I get special treatment.'

'Speaking of special treatment. Come on. Max wants me to fight you to teach you that not everyone you attack is useless like Lucy. Some people fight back.'

'Max gives weird punishments'

'I know kid, I know.'

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