Pilot Pt 2

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"Why are ye bowing, stand proud like the gargoyle ye are!"

It was the portly, tan one that spoke once more. Looking at her submissive stance and bowed head, it was odd to see such a display. And what was this odd talk of killing her?

"Why would we kill ye? Ye protected the weak, last I checked that is what we do."

The alabaster gargoyle whipped her head up, she was in awe of his words. She stood straighter, at her full height, looking from gargoyle to gargoyle. Her eyes finally met the largest of them all. The lavender-skinned leader looked down at her with curiosity, a curiosity which she shared. Though he looked similar to the tall and brutish leader of Clan Steele, there was just something about him that gave the opposite feel.

She turned back towards the older gargoyle and spoke.

"I'm sorry, it is what my clan did to the weakest of the clan. If we are defeated in battle we are no longer worthy of living proudly. I assumed that this is how every clan lived..."

She could see how wrong she was when the look of shock and horror filled the faces of the others. Meanwhile, most of the humans had left to stay in a small abbey with only the orphaned children and Alexander remaining. The human prince looked down with a grimace at her words, he knew from growing up at Castle Wyvern that it was not the case, however, he was useless to speak out against it.

"I think its best if we go and speak to Father in the castle and inform him of what transpired."

The prince's words were soft as he gently pat the woman on the arm and walked towards his sister. The other gargoyles dispersed except for their leader. They followed after the humans, the smaller of the looking around enamored and smiling. When they had fled the Steele settlement, she never got the chance to admire the human buildings. She had spent most of her time in the caves just outside the human settlement, keeping to herself like many of her brothers.

The small group made their way inside the castle, the smile adorning her face dropped into an awestruck one. She spun as she walked, looking at everything she could, making the prince laugh mirthfully. His sister kept a straight face as they made it to the main hall, where their father sat. Bidding the two of them good-by she retired for the evening, not wanting to be near either of the gargoyles. A large smile filled the prince's face at the sight of his father.

"Father! It has been far too long!"

"Alexander! Indeed it has!"

The two men grasped each other's hands and smiled, the older of the two clapped his hand onto the younger's shoulder.

"You had me worried when you sent your sister that letter."

The prince nodded to his father before regaling him with what had transpired at the Steele settlement. Malcolm followed along, looking from his son to the female gargoyle and back every so often. Those in the court remained quiet until Alexander was done speaking. His father stroked his beard and turned his head to his old friend, the captain of the guard. The both of them looked to Alexander's gargoyle companion, the same question swirling in their heads.

"Why did the majority of your clan attack?"

"We were fending off marauders for a number of nights. On the final night, we were successful just as the sun rose. We had no time to return to our roost so we stayed at the settlement."

She looked down sadly, her body working against her as it started to shake. Tears welled up in her eyes as her breath hitched. She forced the words out, a painful heaviness filling her chest. Everyone was looking at her which made it harder. Even Alexander wondered why most of the gargoyles that fought so hard to protect them would turn around and try to kill them.

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