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"I want that done Friday. Class dismissed." Snape said in an annoyed matter as the kids ran out of his miserable classroom.

"You find this funny?" Madeline scoffed as she stormed over to his table.

"As a matter of fact, I may." he chuckled.

"Why'd you let them in? You knew they were coming." she questioned genuinely.

"Clever now, are we?"

She scoffed.
"You need serious help, Severus."

"You trusted me. That's your first mistake. You're now talking to me. That's your second." he spoke flatly, not looking at her for a second.

"I can show you the third." she said as she spun her wand in her fingers.

"Snake." he scoffed as she pointed it to his throat.

"I know you know. How do you know, and what else do you know?"

"I know that this wouldn't look good if your house proffesor walked in right now." he laughed as she turned around frantically.

"Miss Meadows, do I even try to ask for an explanation?" McGonagall said sternly.

"Actually, Minerva, you interrupted my duelling class with miss Meadows here." he said as the girl moved to the side.

"Now is that so?" the professor said in disbelief.

"Since Dumbledore is, apparently, incapable of stopping her guardians from coming for her, against her will, Madeline has requested for me to teach her some spells. Now If you'd excuse us, I'd like to proceed." he said angrily.

"Alright. I shall not bother you any longer." the professor said as she shut the door, obvious guilt in her tone.

"You did this just so I'd owe you." she said, squinting slightly.

"Perhaps. But, truth was spoken. As much as I hate to say it, looking as they take you doesn't ensure me the amount comfort it should." he sighed.



We refuse your compensation, and require you come home for your birthday.

We've all gone deep into preparations for your party and would be devestated t-


"Devestated my ass." she scoffed, moving her hair out of her face.

Running through the heaps of people in the Hallways due to the beginning of the weekend, Madeline hurried somewhere, not knowing where herself.

She climbed up the spiral stairs, and some that moved directions every moment or so, which usually entertained her for a while, but she was too distraught to notice it at the moment.

Going left, then right, she climbed another, not so sturdy wooden set of stairs that creaked at the slightest touch, she had reached her destination.

A hint of relief washed over her as she entered the open room, lit up solely by stars.

Walking over to the ledge, she held onto it, looking down at the windows of the castle which rain was now heavily pouring apon, the children laughing carelessly, she had almost put aside the fact that her lip was quivering, her hands practically unusable from how much they were shaking.

She slid down to the floor, placing her knees to her chest and wrapping her hands around them firmly as to try and calm herself down.

She let her imagination take over, leading her into a life she'd never be able to live, with people she'd never be able to see

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