Those Who Would Cry

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If I were to die tonight,

Who would cry for me?

Strangers, whose interest is feigned?

Will those I love shed tears, or turn away?

If my best isn't good enough,

What more can I possibly give?

You can go ahead-walk away

Leave me here alone,

I'll try to keep afloat

But if I die tonight,

Who will cry?

My strength is almost gone,

I've got little left to give.

I'm drowning in the depths of pain,

Held aloft by a few strong pillars,

People that keep me from falling under.


I have no tears left to cry,

They've dried up through time.

My voice no longer silent,

My eyes now seldom distant.

Someone heard,someone saw,

They came with a boat,

Pulling me from the sea bit by bit

With such care and determination

That I never realized what was occurring.

Looking back at the changes,

It always surprises me,

How far down I was,

How far I've come,

And how much I've changed.

Once again the question comes,

If I die tonight,

Who will cry?

The answer now is more clear than ever,

Because more people than I can name

Would cry if I were to die,

Because to them I am precious,

A pearl they pulled from the sea

Inspired by a few poems I came across at some point or another, particularly one known as "If Tonight I Die", and some winding conversations, as well as some of my own struggles with connecting to people.

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