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  • Dedicated to Jasmine Schaller

People live with me

Fight with me

Die with me

I am found on the battlefield

In families, and homes

In the streets, and indoors

In grand cities, and small villages

Battles are fought for me

Over me

And in my name

I am made of many things

And through varying circumstances

By integrity, and bravery

Because of sacrifices made, and the need to protect

Not just given, I should be earned

Many seek me, but only some truly earn me

I’m not seen as often as I used to be, not truly

You know me well though, and hear of me often

My name, is HONOR

 I honestly can't say what inspired me to write this one... maybe it was English class when we were reading "The Count of Monte Cristo" and seeing the Count's skewed sense of honor, or maybe it was something I noticed at school, all I can say is that I wrote it during math class because I ran out of work... Thanks for Reviewing my writing Jaz! ^_^

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