⚡a fall to change a life⚡

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Hello mis Amigo's I just wanted to say that names eg Harry, Ron, Neville you know there gryfindor but it is mixed houses so Yee


Orions pov: 

After y/n little accident y/n has been hanging out with me lately, it was really nice having the same old y/n

y/n: do you want to play wizards chess with me, because you'll know that i will win.

Orion: haha not on my watch 

As me and y/n walked, it was nice. but the only difference was that the feelings i have hidden from y/n where coming back. i try and hid them from her, but its y/n its impossible to hide anyting from her, shes like a super decetive, its kinda cute. my only down fall is that draco malfoy watches y/n like a fucking hawk, it does get fucking annoying, because im pretty sure that one day he'll come to me and punch me till im about to die. 

y/n: ahh theirs no more wizards chess, oh what are we going to do 

ive notcied that when y/n does that she means that she wants to play something or do something dangerous.

y/n: i more like we play quiddich in the thunderrrrrrrrrrrr.

orion: hmm that sounds dangerous. but why dont we play with more than just the two of us. you know it will be more fun and way more dangerous

we both rushed to the quiddich field and of course she got her broom, the firebolt.

i got my team me, Harry, Ron, Neville, Seamus, Blaise, and Ginny. on y/n teams there was her, Hermione, Fred, George, Marcus Flinch, Pansy, and Oliver Wood. if i must say that this will be the most heated game ever in hogwarts.

Once we was on the Field. We had tom throw the quaffel and the the snitch. Y/n went straight to the snitch and I went following after her. We went through the air like are life's depended on it.

Fred and George was the beaters on y/n team and Nevile and Seamus are my beaters. From the corner of my eye i saw Fred beat the quaffler towards the Seeker and boom Fred scored 10 points to y/n teams.


A strike if thunder ⚡ stiked. I saw y/n grab out for the snitch. I was just a few meters away from her when all of a sudden.


I looked to my left and saw y/n starting to fall. I quickly went towards y/n on my broom because we was super high up. Soon after y/n hit the floor, with the biggest thump. Everyone quickly came to my side, and was all shocked.


As Madam Pomfrey came running out I saw someone with platinum blonde hair running behind her. My suspicion is that it was draco. What would draco be running after Pomfrey.


Hola mis amigo's I hope you liked this one. Sorry for any SPAG (spelling punctuation and grammar)

Please give me ideas for the next one and Yee 🤍🤍

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