Resist Urge, Maintain Purity!

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Izuku has never felt such shame in his life before.

He had just shown an incredible amount of weak-will that was unbecoming of him as a hero the other day. How could he make the mistake of letting his lower sword take charge of the steering wheel? Of course it was going to take him in the first horny direction available, it's a weapon meant for use, not leadership! This is why the king is the one who rides the horse on the field, they got the instinct to lead it into battle. Having a lack of such instincts will result in the horse overthrowing their master for being weak, and Izuku's stallion definitely usurped his throne of control before dragging him a mile deep into a forest of desires.

What hurts the most was the number of things that would've left Izuku with more self-respect in himself than what he let happened in the nurse's office. He could've stuck his dick into a watermelon he drew a face on and Izuku wouldn't be as ashamed of himself that he is right now.

This was going to be a secret Izuku would have to keep more hidden than One for All.

But first, he must return to a state of purity.

Returning to a spot that brings great comfort to him, the school's greenhouse. It could grow many different kinds of plants which Izuku found useful, he had a highly-funded area to grow all kinds of plants he could harvest for his quirk. Though it took a while, through online purchases, a few odd jobs, and a couple of favors, he managed to obtain a varied collection. He would spend a fair amount of his free time here, it was almost a necessity considering how valuable this place is to him. It wasn't the most popular spot on the school's campus and Izuku liked it. It meant there was always a quiet place at school he could go to clear his mind.

The most company he'll ever have is Shiozaki.

He'll help out with the plant's growth as well though in quite the eccentric way.

"Praise the lord! Praise the lord!" cried out the holy priest-like man, with every statement he would dash a scoopful of holy water over the plants.

"I don't get why you can never water the plants regularly," Izuku commented, he just had to ask. If he was being honest it didn't bother him too much, it wasn't even the most bothering thing Ibiki did. That would be the holy music chorus he sang every morning, his voice was angelic but not every morning Izuku was in the mood to hear someone sing about their body being a holy temple for god. Izuku's grandfather might've fought in the 12th crusade but he was more of a moderate when it comes to religion, he wasn't Ibiki's level Deus Vult vibes.

"I must show my appreciation for the good fortune of these plants growing," Ibiki declared, after he was done spraying he began something he called his 'holy prayer of harvest'.

If there was one good thing about Ibiki's antics besides just having an extra hand to help out with bigger projects, it was how Ibiki could randomly make bright light shine down no matter where he is. It did wonders for the plants so Izuku wasn't going to complain, though he did question the nature behind it as the effect seemed supernatural. Shoko Todoroki even crafted a theory that maybe the light is Ibiki's true quirk and the whole thing involving his vine hair is just a ruse to trick people into putting their focus on the wrong thing. The half-and-half element user also connected the whole thing to a secret plot to cause Anarchy so the world would be set to summon the supposed one true god Cthulhu.

Shoko spends a lot on the internet. Izuku sometimes worries about her.

Once Ibiki finally finished his routine, he said goodbye before leaving.

Now Izuku could finally have his peace where he's alone with his thoughts.

'This would be my safe space.'

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