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Waring this story contains dark themes and  its kinda all over the place.




Dream woke up to someone scream his worst enemy's name and Tubbo standing over him. As he sat up he scanned the room he was in. It definitely wasn't Pandora's Vault. There was window and he was in bed and he could hear birds chirping. "Tommy are you purposely ignoring me?!" Tubbo screeched. "Why are you calling me that and why am I here?" Dream said calmly. "Is something in your head, that's your name and you stayed the night here." Tubbo said sassly. "Tommy can deal with too memory boys." Tubbo said whilst open curtains nearly blindly Dream. "I'm not Tommy I'm Dream!" Dream said while getting out bed. "Who?" Tubbo said stopping dead in his tracks. "Dream, Y'know the villian of the server, the one everybody hates, your cousin." Dream said grabbing Tubbo by the shoulder. "Tommy that's not funny you know we don't use that name in this house anymore after the incident with Ranboo" Tubbo said removing his hand from his shoulder. "One, I'm not joking and two removed my name from you vocabulary." Dream said stroming after Tubbo. Turning around the goat boy said "Fine if your Dream why are you in Tommy's body."  "I don't know" Dream replied. "Look but that's not the problem. If I'm here, Tommy your best friend is taking my place in prison!" Dream said in very worrisome tone. Dream knew that if Tommy was in there he'd have to endure Quackity torture. Tubbo stood in shock. Tommy was in prison. "We have to get him out of there. We have to save him. We-" Tubbo paused and tilted his head in confusion. ? "Why do you care?" Tubbo inching away from Dream. "Look Tommy may be annoying and irresponsible but he doesn't deserve that no does." Dream said in a frantic voice. "If you don't wanna go with me you don't have to" Dream said pushing past Tubbo. As Tubbo stood still like bump on log, Dream rushed out of the door. Memories of Quackity torturing him flooded his head. His screams for mercy. His tear filled eyes. Quackity's laughter. Dream soon realized he was crying. He wanted to collapse and give up, but if he did Tommy would have to pay the price. He continued running pushing through all dark the and memories. Luckily he was in Tommy's body because if wasn't he would've collapsed already. When he stepped inside the prison he saw a familiar face that shook him to core.  "Quackity what are you doing here so early?" Dream spat. "Ah Tommy what are doing here?" Quackity said turning his head. Quackity had huge grin on face. He looked pyshco out of a horror movie. He scared Dream shitless. "How do you know I come  here and that I'm early?" Quackity asked reaching for his sword. "It's not Tommy."Dream in shaky voice. "Oh but you look like Tommy." Quackity getting closer to Dream. "Um its me Dream I'm just trapped in Tommy's body." He said backing away from Quackity. "Oh really?" Quackity said as he swung his sword. "Quackity please!" Dream screamed at the top his lungs. "Ha so it is you, Tommy would never be so pathetic." Quackity spoke as laughed. The louder laughed the taller he got. Dream began to crawl away from him. But he moved like his legs were broken. He looked down and was his body. "No no no no not now please not now." Dream pleaded. Suddenly he was in his cell with Quackity towering over and everyone else was laughing him from Ranboo to Puffy they were laughing. "Mom why are you laughing?!" Dream said in a frantic voice. "Mom! Momma I'm in pain stop laughing!" Dream screamed. Dream's pleads were only met with laughter. "Mom please stop!"He screamed. "Mommy please make the bad guy go away!"


Stop laughing!

Oh it was a Dream.

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