Pokemon #1

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Here's what I used for this one-

Sorry, it won't let me post it as a link, so just copy and paste it as a link I guess

Meet Alexandria (Alex) David

(Credit to the creator of the game I used to make her)

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(Credit to the creator of the game I used to make her)

Seems like a simple girl, yeah? WRONG! This is her story, of how she went from a simple high school girl to the most...unique Pokemon trainer in the world.

Let's begin, shall we?

Well, we start after she just got out of high school. Her friends were all starting their journeys around that time as well, so of course she wanted to go. It had been her dream for years to go out and explore the world, seeing new things constantly! And very quickly, she got that chance...

...in the middle of a tornado.

You might be thinking, "What the heck?! Poppy, why did she start her journey in a tornado, let alone even go outside at that time?!"

Well, how else would she have met her partner? She saw a darumaka outside, hanging onto a tree for dear life. So, she ran outside, grabbed it, and got it to shelter. That shelter being the forest. And then she caught it. Meet Kodu, her new starter pokemon and her lifelong partner.

A partner, who in fact, wished to murder her. Quite literally. Like I am not joking. This little demon wished to strangle her, or burn her, or something. Thank Arceus he never went through with that plan.

So now here we are, Alex and Kodu going off on the journey, bringing along only the essentials. Food, water, and camping gear.

Although that camping gear was useless because Alex only travelled at night. I kid you not, as soon as the sun started to rise, she set up camp and went to bed. Then when the sun set, she packed her camping gear and set off down the road. I wouldn't be surprised if that had something to do with Kodu's murder plotting.

Peace wasn't long lasted, however, as Team Trickroom weaved their way into the story, trying to seize Kodu. But, Alex and Kodu beat the grunts with no trouble at all.

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