Chapter 6

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After wrapping a towel around myself, I answered his question.

"I just... I never really... I don't..." I stuttered. How the hell was I supposed to explain to Harry that I  was the reason my family was broken? He just had this expectant look on his face, like he just wanted to hear more. Sensing the pain in my eyes, he changed the subject.

"Well, uhm, we were planning on going out for pizza. Want to come?" He asked, looking excited. Pizza, of course. All of the boys loved pizza. Actually, though, pizza did sound pretty good.

"Sure, just met me get dressed." I answered him, and he left. I quickly pulled on the yoga pants and green tee shirt I'd brought in to wear as pajamas. I blow-dryed my hair and did a little bit of make-up. I looked okay to just be going out for pizza, I thought. By the time I got outside, you'd think all of the guys were about to die.

"Oh, God, look who finally showed up!" Zayn called out jokingly.

"Seriously, what were you doing in there?!" Louis screeched. 

"C'mon guys. Ready to go, babe?" Niall asked, slipping his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into his embrace and we began walking. We found a pizza joint a few streets over, and sat down for some of the best pizza I'd ever had in my life. 

While we were eating, however, I found Harry's foot kept tangling with mine. I moved it, assuming he just needed more room for his long legs. Wrong. He kept finding my foot, until I stood up and went to the bathroom. When I started to return to the table, I overheard a conversation I'll never forget. 

"Wait, what? You're just... You can't do this to her, Niall." Harry said, his whisper rapsy but obvious from the thin bathroom wall. Intrigued, I put my ear to the dirty wall, hoping for a better intake of their words.

"Harry, I don't know. I feel like she's hiding stuff from me or something. I don't know. I just don't know if CeCe and I are right for each other anymore..." He trailed off and I could picture him rubbing the back of his neck with his arm.

So, that was it? He was going to break my heart? But we still had another month of tour left! How could he even... unless. Unless he was going to leave me somewhere? No, no way. He was way too sweet to do that... Right? 

I walked out of the bathroom, nearly colliding with Harry as he exited the other room. He chuckled as he steadied me with his big, strong hands. His eyes, a beautiful green color, met mine before we began walking back to the table. Everyone was pretty much finished, and all I could think about what going to sleep. 

When we got back to the bus, I climbed into my bed without a word to anyone. There was a slight knock on my door as Harry entered. I rolled over to my side, hoping he would take the hint. He didn't.

"Celia. You heard us talking back there, didn't you?" He asked, his expression apologetic. I looked up at him and started crying even thought I'd  promised myself never to cry in front of anyone. I didn't want to look weak. Before I knew what was happening, his plump lips pressed against mine in a rough but gentle embrace. After kissing Niall so often, I knew what I was doing, and I kissed him back. He moved much more expertly than Niall-

Niall. Shit. I broke the kiss apart just as I saw his pale face in the doorway. He slammed the door, and I was up in an instant ready to run after him. What had I just done?!


So, what do you guys think is going to happen? (: How about I don't update until I have 2 votes and 2 comments? Sound like a challenge? :D Thanks guys! xx

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