Familial State Called To Order

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Kitt watched the sun rise, his son on the other side of a communication link, sharing a long-awaited discussion, a cherished moment. His son was crisp...slightly cold...he still had the inherent qualities of the computer that he was. But, in time, the warmth, the character, the humanity he knew his son was gaining, would come out. He found him much like himself, early on, in the months and year after he and Michael Knight began their journey together. He hoped his son, and Mike Knight, would experience the same, amazing journey, because it was certainly something to cherish.

"Sarah and Michael are waking."

Damn. He sighed, "Then I better go."

"Will we speak again any time soon?"

Kitt smiled to himself, "Anytime you wish. The link will always be available. Just give it a buzz and I'll be there."

"May I tell Michael and the others of this conversation, or do you wish that I keep it a secret?"

He paused, then spoke, "Mike is your driver. He is your partner and your most trusted companion. What is yours, is effectively his. I wouldn't mind if you told him, and I'd actually prefer if you did."

"But what of the others? They are my companions as well. They should know."

Kitt saw that his son trusted his people, as he should. But he had learned a lot about trust through the years...:"Your choice. But I'll give you this little piece of advice: along the way, you're going to meet a lot of people who claim to be on your side, and say they will help in any way they can. But in reality, the only person who can truly help you, is your driver. You trust him, you stick by him, and you can't go wrong. I'm not saying you shouldn't trust Sarah, Billy and Zoe. By all means, trust them. I doubt they'll ever do anything to hurt you. But, just remember, it's you and Mike straight down the line."

" I will remember that, Father. Oh, and...could you do me a favor?"

"Depends on what it is."

"Talk to Mr. Knight. Try to convince him to come and speak with Michael. He so wants to see and talk to his father again. He just won't admit it to himself or anyone else."

There was a moment before Kitt replied. What his son was asking of him, was still a tender spot for his human partner... "I'll see what I can do."

From across the link, Kitt heard Sarah Graiman's voice: "KITT? Who are you talking to?"

That was his cue to take his leave..."Take care, my son."

"I will, Father, and...thank you."

Kitt smiled and cut the connection. He sighed and peered out at the pink, rising ball on the horizon. It was a good morning for a drive...

Kitt?" He jumped. It was Michael. Damn, he hadn't even noticed him...

"Getting unobservant in your old age, Pal?" Michael chided as he walked over to the Trans-Am and gave the hood a pat. Kitt chose to ignore his jab. "You're up early."

Michael shrugged, "Couldn't sleep." He strolled over to the coffee maker and poured himself some black brew. Kitt watched him. Should he tell him? Would it matter if he did? Or didn't?



"Er...I need...to talk to you...about something."

"Ooo-kaaaay. Shoot." he said, pulling up chair, and sitting down. He leaned forward and held the mug between his hands, waiting.

"Well, you see..."

"Is that all?" Mike asked, staring down at KITT's 'eye' orb, eyebrows raised.

"Yes. Did you expect more?"

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