Familial State United

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In the desert, two black, sleek forms danced over the uneven terrain with ease. Their tail-and-head lights bucked up and down, unevenly illuminating the dusty ground.

 "We are approaching my base, son." Kitt looked over at his descendent, who remained silent.

 "KITT? Did you hear me? I said we're approaching the base."

 "Oh...yes, father. I heard you." The younger AI sounded preoccupied. Kitt gently applied his brakes and slowed to a complete stop. KITT did the same, only with more hesitation. His scanner flickered and danced. For a moment, Kitt panicked, wondering if the trip had damaged something in his son.

 "Son, are you all right?"

"...Yes. One moment, Father, please."

Kitt raised his virtual eyebrows, "Having a side conversation, are we? Or are we beginning to doubt ourselves?" KITT scanner suddenly blinked off and Kitt frowned; accelerating slightly, he immediately pulled over, next to his son. "KITT? What's wrong? You're scaring me." The older AI scanned his son. Nothing seemed out of place or damaged...but an outside communication link still glowed, showing it had just been used.

 "I am sorry, Father. Michael called. He was not very happy. I had to take care of it."

 "Oh, is that all? Why didn't you just tell me that? You had me worried there for a sec. Don't do that again."

 "Yes, Father. Sorry." KITT replied sheepishly. Kitt sighed, regaining himself and sent out a wide-range scan. His base returned hot and clear signals. "The base is directly ahead. Can you see it?"

 "Yes, Father. I am reading it loud and clear."

 "I've already disabled the perimeter sensors, so we don't have to worry about them. When we get there, I want you to wait outside. Let me go in first, just to calm him and make sure he sees everything is ok. I'll send you a signal when I want you to approach and come in. Ok? Don't approach or enter until you get the signal. Remember...it's been a rough couple hours for Michael...he isn't going to be too thrilled to see you. I don't won't the make it any worse than it has to be."

"Yes, Father. I understand. Wait for the signal." KITT offered his father a feeble, virtual smile, which Kitt returned. The older AI turned his sights back to his base. "Whelp. Here goes nothing."

 He pinned his accelerator and as his tires spun to gain traction, KITT blinked and tried to push away the...nervous sparks he felt running down his central core. What's the worse that can happen? Besides, he was doing this for Michael. That made it worth whatever he was about the face. KITT followed his father, who had already gained a substantial lead. He accelerated and in that moment, he felt he may be rushing towards the lion's den.


 Mike paced. And paced. And paced. KITT had said he hadn't known how long it would take for him to return from his 'important business'. Important business...please! What kind of business could an AI possibly have! Mike suddenly stopped. Now wait a minute...KITT wasn't the only AI out there. There was the Knight 2000...Mike bared his teeth and pounded his fist against his open palm. If he bet anything on the notion that KITT was philandering around with the Knight 2000, he was almost sure he'd win. Damn it, KITT! He was glad for his partner's reconnecting with one of his own, his 'father', for that matter, but this was getting ridiculous!

 Mike checked the time on the nearest, operating laptop....6:30am. Sunrise was fast approaching. That meant Sarah would be waking. And if KITT hadn't returned by then...Mike shuddered. He leaned down and tapped the laptop's mousepad. KITT's GPS tracking system's specs reappeared. "Let's try this again." Mike whispered to himself. The system began to search for the wayward AI's signal. Mike watched with bated anticipation as the Searching...bar filled itself repeatedly, without locating anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2015 ⏰

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