Music Can Change Everything - Chapter 12

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We had been walking for about 10 minutes without saying a word. We reached a park; it was quite and dimly lit by a lamp post. He led me to a swing set, we both sat down a slowly started swinging.

"You look wonderful tonight Becky. " He smiled his signature smile. 

"Thank you, same to you. And by the way, your performance this week was really good. I am so proud of you and the boys for getting through."  

"But the judges disagree. I just hope this week we smash it. We really need to blow them away." He looked at his feet playing with his thumbs. I got up from my swing and stood in front of him 

"Look, as long as you are proud of what you preformed and how you preformed who the fuck cares what anyone else thinks?" I smiled at him; he got up and pulled me into a massive bear hug.  

"I am lucky to have you. I am sorry I haven't been talking to you lately. I have just been trying to get everything right you know? Like we need to impress the judges and show them why we are here and that we do deserve our place in the competition, we need to make our fans proud, we need to make Jayne proud, we need to make our parents proud. I just want to make everyone proud." He stared pacing getting worked up. 

"Greg! We are proud of you! We are proud of Micky and Dan too! How could you think we aren't? You have made it on to a show which millions of people entered and you got down to the final 12. You are now each week performing in front of a million of people! You are absolutely amazing and no one can tell you otherwise." I said taking his hands, he looked down at me, he pulled me in for another hug. He started kissing my head mumbling little things. We just stood there in each other embrace until Greg's phone started to ring. 

"Sorry, 2 seconds?" he smiled walking a few meters away from me. 

I heard him speaking but not making out what he was saying, he looked a bit angry and he didn't seem in the best of moods. After about 5 minutes he came back. 

"Everything ok?" I asked him 

"yeah, just management, not happy about me and the lads being out because we should be rehearsing but we need some time off. And I am really glad I get to send it with you." He said as he took my hand in his. 

We then decided to see if there was a restaurant open. We came across a small restaurant, it served good home-made cooking. We took a seat in a corner. This place was really cute and homely. Nothing matched but yet it all looked amazing put together. An old lady in her late 50's came over to us and asked us what we wanted. I ordered a Shepard's pie and Greg ordered steak and chips.  

"So can you give me a sneak peak of your performance for this week?" I asked him hoping for a yes. 

"Nice try and no. No you can't, it's top secret information." He winked back at me. 

"Worth a try!" I laughed back. 

After about an hour in the restaurant we got up to leave. I thanked the kind old lady for the food, as we were walking out she tugged on my arm pulling me back in, separating me from Greg. Greg turned around but the old lady motioned him to wait outside. 

"You are a cute couple dearie!" she cooed. 

"Oh we aren't officially a couple ..." 

"You are both lucky to have each other you know, Just keep an eye on him." She told me whilst walking into the back room. 

"I will, don't worry and Thank you!" 

I wonder out the shop to see Greg, texting on his phone.  

"Well we better get you home, shan't we?" Greg said taking my hand in his, entwining our fingers.  

I smiled to myself realising how lucky I was to have Greg. I mean thousands of girls would kill to be in the possession I was in, He was perfect. He had a great personality, great sense of humour, he was kind and caring and he is absolutely beautiful. I got so caught up in my thoughts to realise that we had reached my house. He walked me right u to my door. 

"Looks like this is it. I'll speak to you later." Greg said as he gave me a quick peck on the cheek. 

"Greg wait... Do you not want to come in? For a cup of tea perhaps?" I asked him before he left. 

"That would be lovely." He said whilst he followed me into the house. 

I told him to make himself at home while I made the cuppas. I heard him turn on the TV and instantly recognised the theme tune. Mrs Brown's Boys. I was in the mood for a good comedy. I brought through the tea. I made myself comfy on the couch cuddling in to Greg. Luckily it was my favourite episode of Mrs Brown's Boys when Granddad fakes his funeral. By the end of it we were both in hysterics laughing at it. It was then BBC news at ten, yet again nothing positive just negative, negative, negative. I suddenly felt Greg's arm being removed from my side, I moved so he could move.  

"I think it is time for me to go, So I will see you later?" He said helping me up. 

"You don't have to go you know. I have room here. But only if you want?" I asked as he started putting on his shoes.  

He paused for a minute, it looked like he was contemplating on whether to stay or not. He removed his shoe and walked over to me, trapping me against the wall.  

"Well that is a very very kind offer which I am going to have to take." He said as he began to kiss my jawline.  

"Well I am awfully glad you accepted it." I smiled as he carried on down my neck, sucking it a little. He started getting very touchy feely.  

"I never said we would be doing anything, You can stay in the spare room" I told him, pushing him off me and walking upstairs. 

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back on to the floor. 

"But I don't like to sleep alone, please just let me sleep in bed with you" He frowned jokingly. 

"I will lend you a teddy bear, there sorted!" He pulled me closer to him.  

"Becky. Please." He pleaded as he started pecking my cheek. 

"Alright, but no funny business." I tapped his nose and took him upstairs. 

He sighed and followed me to my room. I found myself my onesie and went into the bathroom to get changed. Once I got back Greg had stripped off and made himself comfy in my bed. 

"You comfy there?" I chuckled at him as I put my clothes into the washing basket. 

He just nodded. I went down stairs and got myself a drink of water. As soon as I laid down I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist. He pulled me back into his chest, I could feel his heart beat and the heat radiating off his body.  

"Night Greg"  

"Good Night beautiful" He replied, I turned around briefly to give him a quick kiss then I made myself comfy and slowly drifted off to sleep. 

I woke up in the middle of the night, I was too warm in my onesie so I decided to change into shorts and a vest. I tripped over a few things hoping I wouldn't wake Greg up but he was one heavy sleeper so I had nothing to worry about. I climbed back into bed and again an arm snaked around my waist pulling me back into a warm muscular body. I felt his fingers trace over my stomach making little shapes, he then stared kissing the back of my neck.  

"Greg, not now, back to sleep" I turned around to face him. 

"Ok, ok. Becky? This might be a bit sudden but I have been thinking about it for the past few days now and I was wondering if ... if you'd like to be my girlfriend? I will completely understand if you say no but" I cut him off by placing a finger over his lips. 

"Greg West, I would love to be your girlfriend." I said pulling his face towards mine giving him a passionate kiss.  

"But now, it is time to sleep. You need all the sleep you can get." I told him turning to face the other way so we could go back to the original position.  

"Night" he kissed the back of my head. 

"Night" I replied, knowing that things wouldn't be the same again.

A/N: Vote? Comment? Share? Thank you! Hope you are enjoying it so far! Eilish x

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