Music Can Change Everything - Chapter 4

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Unfortunately the next day Greg went back to normal. A Twat. As soon as the day was over I was so glad to be going home. I arrived home and my sister was in the living room watching The Jeremy Kyle Show.  

"What's the story this time?" 

"Did my mum sleep with my husband?" She replied 

The things that are on that show these days. Terrible.  

"I swear you have seen every episode of that show, why do you even bother watching it?" I asked 

"I like it. You have your favourite TV shows and I have mine. Deal with it." She sounded a bit pissed but she would soon get over it. 

I want to my room and played my Sinners Never Sleep while I did my homework. The night seemed to drag on but it was soon 10pm and it was time for WWE: Smackdown! Believe it or not wrestling is one of my favourite shows. I just love when you get so involved in a match and you aren't even there.  

"SOS. I hear them shouting. SOS I hear them crying! I sang along to Kofi Kingston and R-Truth's theme tune. They were against The Prime Time Players. Ugh I hate them. It was just getting interesting when suddenly the doorbell rang. Who on earth would visit me at like 10:30pm? I looked out the front window to see if I could see anyone. Nothing. I didn't want to answer the door. What if there was a thief behind waiting for me to answer but I suppose there was only one way to find out. I went up to door and crept up to door and slowly opened it to find Greg standing there, with tears in his eyes? Why would he come to me if he is upset? 

"Urmmm, Greg are you ok?" I asked beginning to get kind of worried. 

"Not really no." He sniffled. 

"Come in. Come in. Tell me what's wrong!" I ushered him in to the living room.  

He took one look at my TV and laughed.  

"You watch wrestling? You are too soft to watch this." He chuckled 

"Your point is? I have my reasons for watching this and no one can stop me!" I smiled at him 

We sat down and he told me what was wrong. He told me that he lost the chance in his audition. He was devastated; Truth was I felt really bad for him. Music was his passion and getting denied the chance to become a boy band was like hitting a brick wall. He stayed at mine all night, laughing and joking, it's like we had been best friends for ages. I was developing feelings for him, as much as I hated his guts I wanted us to be friends, at points I wanted to be more than friends. No I couldn't let him have control over me. We sat there watching Wrestling for the rest of the night once it finished we didn't know what to do.  

"You want to watch a film?" I asked him 

He nodded and I pointed in the direction of my DVD collection. He sifted through them and he was drawn to one. He picked out and handed it to me. 

"You like this?" I wondered 

"What can I say, I am a sucker for a musical." He replied. 

The smile on my face was evident. Les Miserables was my all-time favourite musical. I put it in the DVD player and let it play. The 25th anniversary edition was my favourite Alfie Boe made the best Jean ValJean I had ever seen. The Goosebumps I got when he sung Bring Him Home. It was near in the end and I was in tears, Greg noticed and pulled me into his side. I chuckled a little as he tried to sooth me. I felt so safe and secure; he made me feel special when he was like this. I turned to him and I could see he had a tear rolling down his face so I wiped it away, his enticing blue eyes. He turned to face me and stroked my cheek, his touch sent shivers down my spine. How can I like yet dislike someone who has so much control over me. 

"Becky, I have never noticed how beautiful you are." He said, as he brought my face to his. We were literally inches away. I didn't know whether or not I should stop now or let him kiss me. It felt so wrong yet so right. My mind was a mess but I couldn't stop what was happening. His lips planted a soft sweet kiss on mine. My heart was beating ten times faster and I was happy with him in that moment. I pulled away and looked up at him, he was smiling at me. He then got up, me following he got to the door and give me a tight hug, kissed me once more, told me he'd see me tomorrow to work on the project then left. That would be the night that changed it all.

A/N - Please Vote and Comment! if you like it tell me and i will carry on with it! :) x

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