The Vast and open Sea

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"Fisherman Francisco, pleasure to meet you"
One fisherman said to another as I watched from the waves of the sea, it's funny how they talked about things, the words they used , the little smiles they get. It's just like how they do things in my little world. What a fascinating discovery, a real man, I just hope .

I've seen his Boat before, that's what he calls it. When he takes his other mans out and then they go fishing, sometimes I pick out fish from different parts of the deeper waters to put them where he could easily catch and enjoy a more a la mode meal, it's such a pleasant experience to do something more than my usual responsibilities here in the waters of the sea. My privileges in the ocean only allow me so much leisure time. My father , King Triton has so much to do in this whole age of the waters that I barely ever see him, but he's shown me all of his true selves. He says he has these capabilities to change himself because he is king and one day when I'm old enough with the expirience and maturity I need. I never thought I would have gotten there in this way. But I was never like my father. I was more liberal in a way, where the things I wanted to do, he almost never agreed to when I tried to talk to him about it, so I stopped, well talking to him about it. I started to look more for something I could relate to , maybe one day I could find someone like me. Who knows what it feels like to not feel like a cookie cutter daughter who is meant to do what her elders have done.

The day and age is different now and I only have so many ways to explain my biggest emotional pain through the jealousy of a human woman who treated me as if I could have ever done wrong the Fisherman she called her Husband. After years of existing here I finally learned the full human race , and began to understand what those things meant when I was so young and uninformed. I think about not having been like my father. I only hope I am still a pensative thought to him.

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