The Old wives Tale

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One day she came in looking rather focused on what she was doing, she sat me up like a real human normally would sit. She started talking

telling me things

That I really tried to believe until I found out what the truth was behind her story .

Well she started off with . A simple introduction. She said she was the fisherman's wife, and they had a daughter together. She said, last night they had a talk about you and he said he would call you Madeline. He was so excited to have expirienced such a discovery like you.  It's funny cause that's why I brought you here. I figured I could make him happier if I did something like this.

To which I was confused being that I fully didn't understand the English language, which she recognized . She explained to me about her daughter and showed me pictures and started telling me about how babies are made and what happens to a woman's bodies and she claimed to have had some sort advanced intelligence so I could maybe have someone like that too . She said if she could do that and then she would release us both back into the ocean so that we could both be alike and when he would see me in the waters he could think of her and his daughter.
Reluctantly I agreed because I figured I could buy myself some time to figure out what do and I realized that it might go for me better if I just became a submissive into her ideations.

Well then began the feeding frenzy's. She started to bring me all sorts of different things to eat claiming that I would need to be more her size to have my little daughter like she did .

One day I got to the size she needed me to be .

She told me all she needed to do was deliver .

So I figured she was gonna find a way to do that which she was stating.

Inevitably confused with what she was doing.

She laid me down to which I couldn't look at my tail.

Then started the "delivery"

She kept telling me the breathe when I felt something wrong.

I didn't notice anything wrong until I felt a pang at the location of my bone.

To which I reacted very strongly to.

In turn she continued to tell me the baby was almost there.

Eventually she left. And I tried to see what had happened and the only change I saw was that my tail was no longer a part of me.

That's when I lost it.

She must have been too occupied and distracted with her newfound discovery.

While I was verily drowning in discomfort.

I kept screaming until I heard the door and heavy steps to which I figured I was going to have a confrontation where I'm not sure what I would have done.

But it wasn't with the Fisherman's wife.
It was with Mr. Francisco

He immediately started crying when he saw me in this condition. To which I felt sorrowful about because of his discovery and name I was put in my condition over the emotion she felt so strongly as 

        "the works of my wife"

It just felt like something like this had happened before .

I had felt so much emotional trauma in those instances. But all Mr. Francisco could really do is hug whatever remained of me.

I guess that wasn't a good idea either .

Somehow his wife took note .

She proceeded to remove the rest of my extremities.

I figured I wouldn't make it without anything but a mind. But I guess since the mind controls the rest of your body somewhere under the breathable water of the sea . It's different for us.

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