Prologue - Re-Writen By Thought's.

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:Honestly, Why do you have to participate in the schools field trips? I of-course understand the meaning of such an event, but for the love of me I can't comprehend how they expect everyone to enjoy it for some reason.

I understand going to a museum or some calm location for a day instead of attending class. But 4 Days of living in a forest? A place where I cant accese the bare minimal of basic human necessities? This is Ridiculous why would they do that?

I of course i'm not saying that the Aspect of Camping is bad. But it is definitely not for everyone. An example would be Me! I do appreciate nature but not when I have to live in a tent with 3 other humans who will not shower and will make noise. It is a disturbing experience for me.

This is why I Regulus Corneas Will not participate in this infringement of my Basic Human Rights!§ - Narrator.As The boy who's  in his mind identified him self as 'Regulus Corneas' A fictional character out of a popular Japanese Light Novel 'Re:Zero'. The Boy in question was ranting on to him self as he was returning from his school to go back home and do what he always does.That is Lock himself in his room quickly finish the as he says "Useless and Boring Labor that the school named 'Home Work'" after which he will as always dress up in his cosplay of Regulus Corneas and pretend that he is in some fantasy world where non of the "Real-World" Problems can touch him as he is satisfied there.

This Boy's Actual name was Aleistor.  

As you might have guess this boy was somewhat of a Chunibiyo, not an extreme case such as the people who go outside dressed up as some made up character and go outside to parade about it to the whole world. No, no, The boy would never do that. For he respected the rights of others as he wanted people to respect him. So he didn't want to annoy someone or weird people out by going out and acting that way.

So as Aleistor was heading home, he didnt pay attention as to where he was going.

Oh? Did you think he was going to be hit by a truck? No,no this isnt some cliche story.

In this stroy Aleistor was so lost in thought as well as confident in his reflexes and walking memory that he decided not to pay attention. After a 'Complete Existence' such as him self could get lost.

So as the boy continued to argue with him self in his head, he hadn't at all noticed the rather sudden change of scenery around him.

First was that is instead of walking in the middle of a busy street full of cars and salary men coming and going to and from work.

He was walking through a rather still busy street but instead of the usual salary men, students and random people walking and talking on their phones.
The boy Found him self in a somewhat of a Fantasy steer full of demihumans, Humans and strange horses that looked more like some raptor type creatures.

§ - Aleistor's POV.

Thought's: Now as to how I will not participate in the annoying activity? Well normally I would just tell the organizers that I don't want to participate, and if those organizers would be right respecting humans they would understand and not force me. That is IF they would be respected.

Unfortunately those humans cant comprehend the most symply things such as a right to refuse. Honestly Humanity these days So shameful walking around the streets and dressing up like its a fantasy world.

Look at this they even made the whole street look like some other world scenery.

Honestly I will never understand people that can so shamefully participate in these activities. Don't get me wrong I understand why they do it but if someone would ask me if I would participate then my answer would be a refusing one.

Hmm I do have to admit this guilty of costumes and decorations they have is really top notch. I gues it would be much of a hassle to congratulate who ever is in charge, because they certainly did a fantastic job at decorating this street.

Aleistor: Excuse me, could you tell me who ever it is that set up this event? I would like to give them my appreciation on a job well done.

Demi-Human: Huh? What are you talking about kid? Did you have to much to drink?

It is at This moment that Aleistor Noticed something.
Something about this whole situation looks a little bit too real. The detail of the costumes, details of the demihumans. The fact the so called 'decorations' seemed to never end.

That is when he realized that this was no cosplay type event.

Yes I am back. No this wont mean I will update the story every day or something, maybe like once a week or so.

That is because I discovered Genshin Impact. Anyway, ehh this is a Re-Write because the previous one was well, bad.

[This Story is inspired by Filip1500 and their story "Re:Regulus Restarting From Zero With my worst enemy"]—

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[This Story is inspired by Filip1500 and their story "Re:Regulus Restarting From Zero With my worst enemy"]

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