Bottom Vul

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It was a late evening, the sun was setting and the sky was growing darker. The red sun set over the area expanding the orange and pink sky. It has been a long day with Vul at the butchery. Even with Ranok back they still thought it was a good idea that I work with him. I get that but I wish Vul would just...Lighten up? I guess that's the way to put it, all day he was constantly trying to do everything for me. I tried to grind the meat but the second I made a minor mess up he'd rush over there trying to do it for me. "You don't know what you're doing!'' He would say."Don't know what i'm doing? I've been doing it for over 2 weeks now!" I say angrliy as I feel my heart increase the more I think about that stupid wolf. "Hopeful Ranoks home to calm me down, I need him right now." I say with a heavy breath as I continue to walk to the house. As I walk up to the steps I trip over that one step that's loose. "Ack!" I said as I feel my knee come in contact with the step. "Grk would it kill you to fix that stupid step Ranok.." I stand up and exam the injury and sure enough it was a small bruise. "Nothing too bad" I say as I approached the door and gently opened it.

As I opened the door a smile grew on my face as I imagined my wolf in there ready to greet me with open arms. I let out a smile and say "Hey Ranok im ho- '' But to my surprise Ranok wasn't there. I walked into the bedroom and looked around hoping to find my wolf but was met with no success. "Ranok?" I shout trying to see if I just missed somewhere but as I expected he didn't call back. "Ranok?!" I continued shouting hoping something would change but was met with the same outcome. Now going to the bedroom, I walk in and soon notice that Ranok's cloak isn't on the hook. "Must have gone out...Great.." I sigh and flopped face first into the bed. Once my face hit the bed I took a deep breath, I could smell Ranoks scent in the sheets, the smell of the forest reminding me of him. "My wolf has been here..." I say smiling. Even though Ranok wasn't here it felt like he was. I got more comfortable, snuggling into the sheets and began to shut my eyes to doze off. Feeling the sun hit me through the window caused me to feel warm, topping that with the scent of my wolf, I began to fall asleep. "I'm just glad this day is over.." I say with a smile as sleep overtakes me. I begin to dream of my wolf holding me. "How was your day?" I hear him say in my dream. "Long and busy, glad I'm here with you." I replied back to the dream. "Well that tiring day is over, you're with me now." The dream comments back. I feel Ranok pull me up to him more, my face coming in contact with his neck fluff. I breathe in deeply and right as I'm about to take in his scent, I'm awakened by a loud knock at the door. The sound spooked me awake and caused me to jump. "Who..the hell could this be...?" I say wanting to just slump back into the bed and dream of my wolf however the knocking just got louder. "Hey piglet, open up!" The second I heard his voice, my whole body felt a feeling of hatred. "Really.. You're here? The literal last person I wanted to see after today." I grunt to myself as I slumpfully pull myself out of bed. I put my feet down on the hardwood floor and begin to crawl to the door. Much like in Vul fashion the knocking only got louder. "I'm coming you stupid wolf!" I grunt knowing he will kill me for that sentence. "Fine I guess yo-" before he can even finish the sentence I open the door. "Shut up and give me my food." I cut him off and give him a look of pure displeasure. As I looked at the wolf I noticed he was holding no food at all, just his clenched fist and angry stare was all he had to offer me. "I'm not here to give you food!" He scowled as he pushes me away and steps inside.

I close the door and give him an upset look. "Well what do you wan-" He cuts me off with a growl. "Don't speak to me like that!" He growls, giving me a angry look. That look he was giving me made me unbearably upset, I wanted to just punch him in his face and make his muzzle bleed. "Gods I hate this wolf" I mumble to myself. "I don't care how Ranok lets you talk, you don't speak to me like that." He growls, clenching his fist. I just roll my eyes not caring what he has to say. "Ill speak to you however I want you stupid himbo, your all bite and no game..." Of course that's all stuff I said to myself as I didn't want to be choked again. "Whatever, just tell me what you were wanting." I say tiredly. The wolf lets out a huff before speaking. "Ranok wanted me to watch you while he went out, something about being worried the elders would try to come find you or something."Vul says, still glaring at me. I let out an upset sigh "And he sent you? Couldn't he ask Verissa to come or something?" After saying that Vul lets out a very arrogant laugh. "What's she gonna do? Cast a spell on them?" He says arigently before sitting down at the table. I roll my eyes as the hatred in me has only grown more. "You're stuck with me, like it or not. Don't think I want to be here either." He says, crossing his arms and closing his eyes. I sigh and walk over to the cabinet to grab moonshine. "Id sure love to take this moonshine and shove it elsewhere." I complain to myself as I grab the moonshine and bring it to the table. After setting down the moonshine Vul glances over at me and gives me a grin. "That's better pour me a drink." I roll my eyes as he tells me to do this and scoff. "I'm only doing this so I don't have to hear you gripe about how I don't do anything." I grab a mug out of the cabinet and bring it to the table. "You can pour it yourself, after all I'm not your warden." I sit down at the table after saying that and let out a small huff. I didn't want to go back into the bedroom as I knew Vul would just call me lazy or something hateful like Vul normally does. "Be smug with me one more time and I'll make sure it's the last thing you say!" He growls at me as he grabs the moonshine and pours himself a cup. "Ya ya." I say tiredly and put my head down on the table trying to pretend he wasn't there however that's easier said then done when he drinks louder than Ranoks snoring.

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