Chapter 27 Niall Needs Space.

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You drive home sighing and thinking over everything going on. When you finally get back to the flat it’s almost dark. You walk in and see that once again downstairs is empty. You drop the keys onto the counter and walk upstairs to your room to read over the contract. *Modest Legally Binding Contract* You will serve the purpose as girlfriend of ‘Zayn Malik’ You will be devoted. You will be faithful. You will be loving. “What am I, a dog,” you ask yourself rolling your eyes and continuing to read. *NO* Romance between any of the other members or the contract is instantly terminated. You will be subject to outward changes of appearance including cosmetic surgery, extensions, liposuction, and weight loss/gain. You will be given a new style which you must fully conform to. Failure to be seen in said style will result in instant termination of the contract. You must stay on tour with One Direction and play your role until one week after the final night of performances. After that, you are allowed to have one fake break up and leave the media. *There will be no break ups until the end of the contract period* Breaking up before then will result in termination of the contract immediately. You quit reading and lie down, with your thoughts mixing together. You groan wanting Niall. Three days. That’s all you have before you’re Zayn’s girlfriend. You sigh. You can’t take it anymore, and you get up to go across the balconies to Niall’s room. You see him sitting on his bed writing furiously and you knock. He sees you and motions to come in before going back to his writing. “Niall, I—“ “Don’t,” he says cutting you off. “Do you even get what this means,” he says angrily. “We can’t do anything! For the whole summer! I want you to be mine! But I can’t! Dammit all!” “Niall, be quiet, Zayn will hear you.” “To hell with him,” you hear his Irish accent become rougher and thicker as he gets more upset. “Niall please just li—“ “Shut up,” he yells slamming his book down. You get up scared because you’ve never seen this side of Niall. “I am so done with all this frustration,” he yells standing up. “All the hiding, and me not able to kiss you or touch you. I have to act like I don’t care about you when I do,” he says moving closer to you as you stand with your back against the wall. “Niall please be quiet!” He grabs your arms and pins you against the wall. You look up at him with fear in your eyes. He makes eye contact and you see his eyes soften as he notices your fear. His grip loosens on you and he sighs leaning his lips on to yours. Another sad kiss. His lips move slowly savoring yours. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” he says letting your hands slowly fall back to your sides. “It’ll work out, Niall. I know it will. We’ll figure something out,” you mumble. “I just need space,” he says agitated. You nod and go back over to your room. You hear a knock and you see Harry walk in. “Oh Haz, thank God, I really need someone right now,” you say tearing up. “Aw, love don’t cry. Niall will calm down. He’s just upset that Zayn’s getting you.” “But I don’t love Zayn,” you say sighing. “Well, you don’t love Niall yet either do you?” You look down. “Oh, so you do love Niall.” “I think I am starting to. He’s just perfect.” You see Harry smile. “Well then don’t let this whole Zayn thing get to you then. You and Niall can still have a relationship, can’t you?” “If anyone finds out, after the Zayn thing is released, then I’m screwed. I signed a contract and it specifically says no interaction with the other members.” “But doesn’t management know you’re dating Niall.” “No apparently not. It wasn’t brought up. Look, I was over in his room and I was going to tell him that we need to put everything on hold. Our relationship is too risky. I think he already knows that, he’s asking for space.” “What kind of space. Like space so he can think, or space as in no more you and him?” “I don’t know. All I know is that the risk factor for our relationship is way to high. I can’t risk the band—“ your eyes catch on a sentence from the contract. ‘The confidentiality agreement extends to the band. No others will know that the band is at stake if this falls through.’ You almost gasp, but see Harry looking at you. “I can’t risk Niall and Zayn not getting along…” “You said the band, what about the band,” Harry asks. “Oh did I say the band? I didn’t mean the whole band,” you say weakly. “You alright, love? Your color looks a bit off.” “Yeah, I’m fine, just tired,” you say. “Oh, I’ll let you get some rest,” he says getting up and walking out. You read over the sentence again. ‘No others will know the band is at stake if this falls through.’ Great. So not only do you have to hide your true feelings, but now you also have to lie to the guys. Lovely. You look at the time. Holy crap 11:45 already. You get in bed and pull the covers over your head wishing it would all just disappear.

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