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Ah today should start of good, today should be a good day for the group and it sure was.
The three girls were the first ones to be awake that morning, while the others kept snoring and drooling in their sleep.
Olivia rubbed her heavy eyes and slightly looked next to her to check on Valerio and the others. The morning sun shinned right into the backyard as Olivia noticed that the male next to her started to snore as soon as she moved away from him. Her heart somehow melted at the fact that Valerio started to snore. She found his little snores cute at some point.
The female slightly placed the blanket over his body and grabbed her phone, that was muffled between Val and the cushions. She then walked inside of the house with her two best friends.
"I just completely passed out yesterday, wow," Lola began the conversation and sat down on the tall bar chairs at the kitchen. "Same i just closed my eyes for a second and boom i awake up the next morning, noticing i slept through," Aspen added. Olivia just nodded in agreement, knowing that she and Val were the last ones to be awake that night. Little did they know, that they stayed up a bit longer than the rest of them.
"Anyhoe! Welcome to the cooking session with Olivia, Aspen and Lola," the female said with motivation and grabbed a frying pan from the cupboard underneath the stove.
"Wait what are we making?" "I don't know you tell me?"
The girls went through the fridge first before even turning on the cooker. "I want pancakes!" Olivia raised her voice while still going through the fridge. "Actually that's a good idea but who's going to make them?" "Definitely not Aspen because she can't cook and will burn down this kitchen bruh," Lola immediately added and looked at Aspen with a chuckle.
"No! I will not burn them down!" Aspen argued and grabbed the pan. "Let me do one and prove you amateurs wrong," she finished her sentence and reached for the pan.
"Before you even try and burn down this kitchen, we need to make the pancake batter first," Olivia went through every kind of cupboard inside of that kitchen but couldn't find a decent bowl to mix the batter in. "Dude where the hell are the normal bowls here?!" She said frustrated while the others helped her looking for one too. "Found one!" Lola held it up and handed it over to her friend.
"Good.. step one is done; get a decent bowl and pour the ingredients inside of the bowl," she said while cutting open the plastic bag of pancake batter and poured a bit of the floury mixture into the bowl. "Yeah definitely not enough," she added and started to pour in the whole bag. "Much better." Aspen added a bit milk into it for the fluff, eggs, a teaspoon of salt, tablespoon of sugar and melted butter. She mixed it with a hand mixer they just found while searching through the cupboards. Now the mixture was ready.
Lola stepped aside and watched Aspen make the first pancake. "I swear on god this is going to get messy. Watch her burn it bruh," Lola said towards Olivia and shook her head.
Olivia leaned against the counter and watched Aspen closely. At first she did a good job but within the second Olivia and Lola were distracted, that's where stuff started to get interesting.
"Uh girls.. I might have or might have not burned the bottom side of the pancake..." Aspen said while she tried to flip it.
"See that's exactly why you shouldn't let Aspen cook bruh," Lola rolled her eyes and tried to save the half burned pancake. "Yeahhh..so you guys do that while i just get the table ready," she grabbed the dishes out of the top cupboards but she had to climb the counter to do that. "Short girl problems," she made a kissing face and sticked her fingers out into a peace sign.
In the meanwhile Olivia started to connect her playlist with the sonos speakers that were all around the house. She set the playlist on shuffle and just placed her phone aside for now.
The song started to play and the trio gasped in excitement knowing that they will scream the lyrics from the top of their lungs.
"You had it all!" Olivia started the song and pointed at her best friends. "The day you told me, told me you want me," Lola continued and started to give her friends a bright smile on her lips. Aspen then continued with the line with the dishes in her hands. "I had it all but let you fool me, fool me completely!"
The trio let the second verse run through their ears while they continued their stuff. Lola was already done with cooking the pancakes and Aspen finished getting the table ready. The chorus of the song was about to come in and the girls made themselves ready for their little private concert.
"Cause one dayyy!! I'll have you begging on your knees for me! Yeah one day i'll have you crawling like a centipede!" The girls started to shout from the top of their lungs. Lola grabbed the wooden spoon next to her and use it as a microphone, Aspen climbed on a chair threw her hands up in the air while Olivia climbed on the kitchen counter.
"You mess with me? - I mess with her!" Olivia sang her part. "So i'll make sure you get what you deserve!"
While the trio had their private little concert, the rest of the group started to wake up.
Kingsley noticed the girls jamming along to their playlist and started to laugh. "Guys look," he pointed at the kitchen, which was completely exposed through the glass doors. Gage started to laugh and Valerio opened snap and recorded them.
"We'll use that as blackmail one day so keep it save Val," Gage spoke and stood up, stretching his whole body.
Finally everyone was awake and noticed the trio jamming crazily to the songs. Valerio slid open the glass door and started to burst a laugher. "Naw look at you all," Kingsley greeted them with a sleepy good morning smile as the others entered the building yawing.
"Not us watching you guys, literally yelling out your lungs to a fucking Victorious songs," Valerio joked and helped Olivia back down from the kitchen counter. "Hey i'm a independent woman okay i could have go down this counter myself but i mean if he already offers me help then why not," she states sarcastically and flashed him a innocent smile. The male rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up," Valerio quickly replied and headed over to a random seat before Olivia raised her voice again. "Make me..," and at this point she knew she had him on her hook now.
The boys had a shocking expression on their faces and looked back and forth between Val and Olivia. "Ohoh- Looks like someone's getting railed tonight," Gage threw the assumption into the room while Olivia kept going. "Railed? He definitely won't get that far," the female leaned on the counter and had her chin inside of her palm. A sinful smirk grew over her lips, knowing how effective her words were on him.
Valerio tried to play it off cool and just sat down. He clenched his jaw, sarcastically smiling at Olivia knowing that whatever he would say now she would immediately comeback his words, so he rather stayed quiet for now.
Lola didn't liked the silence and just walked over to the table with the mountain of pancakes. "ANYHOE! Let's eat because i'm starving bruh," the female pushed Olivia with her to the table and made her sit down right next to her cupid. While everyone was getting into their seats, she took the chance and gripped to Valerio's muscular arm, pulling him closer to her.
"Why so quiet hm?" She whispered closely into his ear and innocently smiling against it. "You should better focus yourself on trying to stay quiet tonight," he replied back and nugged his head into her direction, looking her right into her soul. "This better be a promise- daddy..," a grin formed her face before pushing him back into his seat.
Valerio closed his eyes for a split of second and tried to collect himself. Olivia felt good knowing that she could tease him without him doing anything about it. She felt like she won this fight and she knew she did.