1. "You're just so pretty"

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I stand in the corner of the house, doing a small uncomfortable shift every few minutes, and then staring down at my feet when my eyes meet someone else's. Every time I glance at my feet they become more bruised and blistered. Luckily they aren't too noticeable with my fishnets covering them. But as they say, beauty is pain. Right? Because right now, I'm really feeling the beauty.

The room is humid, noisy (if that even makes sense), filled with sweat, moans, and has a faint music buzz in the background. There's about ten couples in here, all of them are mouth fucking each other and then half of them are nude. But I guess for them, having boobs and dicks out, it's normal around here. Every now and then someone comes through the room to get to another and they aren't the slightest amused with what's going on in this room. If my Momma or Papa knew I was in this room, they'd kill me in an instant.

Then again, they already tried that.

"Cleo, my baby!" A rough British voice yells through the room. I look up and my eyes meet the most gorgeous pair of brown eyes in the world. Zayn. He has a big smile on his face.

"Z! How was it?" I ask, scurrying over to him to get out of this hellhole of a party.

"It was amazing! They said I sounded better than all the other guys who tried out!" Zayn exclaims, putting his two hands on my face, squishing it.

"So did you get the gig?" I giggle from the pressure on my cheeks.

"Yes, rehearsal is first thing tomorrow morning," Zayn kisses my forehead then looks at me to see if I have the same reaction as his.

And I do. Only on the outside though. As much as I want to be extremely excited for him. Tomorrow is our ten month anniversary.

Shut up Cleopatra, this is about him. Stop being so selfish.

I take a deep breath and make a smile as wide as his. But its nearly impossible with his hands pushing my cheeks together.

"I'm so happy for you Zayn. But can we please get out of here?" I say while tilting my head.

"Of course, love. C'mon," Zayn leads, releasing his hands from my cheeks and then putting them down to my hands. I squeeze his hands the moment they touch mine right away. He's so warm. I'm so cold.

Passing through all the naked horny people, I feel some sweat drip off on me. I nearly vomit when I realize it. Luckily before any reaction can pour out of me, Zayn and I are both already outside in the warm chilled wind. It's so peaceful out here. Everything is peaceful—especially with him. I stare out at the end of the street. It's a little foggy, but that's what makes it so...desirable.

Zayn hates the fog. I never understood why but he does. I stare at the last street light on the road and it flickers. I turn around to show Zayn and he has his phone out, and by the clicking noises coming out of his phone, I know he's taking pictures of me.

"Really?" I do a small giggle.

"You're just so pretty, Cleopatra," Zayn tells me. I cringe at him using my real name.

My cheeks heat up and I lightly let out a big breath trying to hide the impact he has on me. He's so perfect.

"I lo-" I begin to blurt out the words but I stop myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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