SMG4: Equal Importance

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Well, here we are... 4 months later.

I am so sorry for the long wait. I just had a lot on my hands like finishing school and moving into my new place at my old house. I just forgot all about this story and moved on with life, mostly dealing with regular issues, and messaging my friends along with my girlfriend Cristina. I'm coming back because I finally have spare time again, I feel more used to Human Meggy now, and Sunset Paradise is almost coming to a close, which would probably make this story irrelevant if I continued this later, so why not continue now?

So yeah, that's what I've been up to... but now it's time to continue this story. I'll try my best. I hope more people enjoy this chapter unlike some people with the previous chapter, so here you go.

It's been a couple hours since the original Inkling Meggy returned and their new regular human Meggy being left out and storming off in anger and depression. Things just dove into chaos, with both Meggys fighting, but now, all IMeggy had to do was think up an apology to give to her now-more depressed human counterpart. Mario had to give up his Mar10 party for the rest of the day, but at least he was helping out his friend in solving this feud. He even brought in Luigi to help out more, since he's better at giving out apologies than he is. IMeggy's Salmonoid Meg Jr. was sleeping on her lap while the brainstorming was going on, and as for IMeggy herself, she still feels terrible.

IMeggy: *sigh* I can't believe I acted like a smug bitch in front of her, and at the worst time too... she was gonna go on a relaxing vacation to make her feel better, and I just came in and made everything worse. What's the point, she'll never be able to forgive me... maybe coming back was a bad idea...

Luigi: Hey, don't give up on this, Meggy. We're in welcome arms to have you back, and you're always welcome to stay with us, but we should care about the human Meggy too. I realized that you two are as equally special in your own ways.

Mario: I'm special in my own way too... but the bad kind of special. ;w;

Luigi: Not the right time to joke, bro-

Mario: I'm just sad that my party's been cancelled because of this... and that Meggy being sad makes me sad too.

IMeggy: It's okay, we'll keep your... what kind of party is it again?

Luigi: Mario Day. Because it's March 10th. Mar, 1, 0?

IMeggy: Damn, that's lucky, having a second specific day of your own beside your birthday... but yeah, we'll keep that party going soon, Red. Right now, I just gotta make things work with her...

Luigi: I'll get a list going on how unique you two are. I'm actually coming onto something here.

Mario: Gross-

IMeggy: *giggle* Oh, sorry, you go on ahead. I hope this works, though. Good luck, Luigi.

Another hour passed, and IMeggy got her apology written up and memorized. It was time to make things right. She walked slowly, since she was nervous to give this to her, but Mario was with her to reduce her stress and to make things less painful if things went awry. She arrived outside her human counterpart's room and knocked on the door quietly.

IMeggy: Hi... human me. I know you don't want to see me right now, so I won't open the door... but before you think of beating me up again, I want to tell you something, and it's from the heart.

She breathed and hoped for the best.

IMeggy: I wanna start by apologizing to you for... everything. Firstly, I basically beat you up for your accomplishments... just because I didn't do them, and that is just heinous and wrong. You're more important than I will ever be. You actually accomplished something in your life, and that is the Splatfest you've done for Desti, god bless her soul. All I did was train and fail in what I did, but you came through and did the impossible. You're also smarter, more mature, had more jobs than I did, and you're the person who deserves a relaxing vacation. I looked at your memories and I feel for you for what happened. I don't wanna be more self-centred when apologizing here, I will never say stuff like "I am better" or "I deserved this win" again... but I consider the two of us to be equally important and special in our own ways. We both had a mission around the same time, to win the Splatfest for that wonderful Octoling. She fought the good fight, and she was turning a new leaf until she was killed... but now, I myself am trying to do the same thing. Being so smug and self-observant back there was so out of character for me, and I don't want to be the bad guy. Just... everything I ever did when I came back and revealed what you are, just a clone... I was such an ass, especially revealing the hard truth... but that shouldn't be true. You miraculously were carried over from my DNA and you changed yourself into the actual person with a distinct personality you wanted to be. You were able to sustain your own house, become a badass police officer, and win the Splatfest, most importantly. This is who you are. You are not just a clone... but now, the true Meggy, and you just... top me in being a success, and I admire you greatly... but... if you don't accept, then... I understand. You should be the only Meggy here. I'll just pack my things and go back to Inkopolis, where I belong, and where I won't harm you anymore.

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