The... Last Chapter

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(TW: Death, whenever he dies or not does not determine the warning. There is still talking about dying and that he might.)

(Get your tissues... I cried hard on this one TwT)


Alex's pov

I can feel my chest still breathing and my eyes slowly adjust to the light once I awake. I feel happy and proud of what I did even though he was a friend...

I can hear something bang by the front of the bed making me jolt just a slight bit since my stomach and chest were injured. Trying to look at what it was my neck wouldn't let me since the... Family problems... My neck has never been able to bend far.

I can feel the bed buzz slightly and my back being brought up along with the bed. I look to the side finding Y/N holding a remote... He is beautiful... There is some sort of shine on him that I just can't determine...

The room is a bit dark but it changes sometimes making me worry about what I am seeing... I never had illusions before...

"Alex!" I hear a muffled voice and some more banging...(Get the chili sauce, Alex! Not the Garlic sauce! Alex! *-*')

Once I look over to the front of the bed I see Tick in a large tube banging his gooey arms from the inside... I feel worried for the demon since all he wanted was to be whole again...

I look away not really wanting to look Tick into his eyes... Instead, I find Garcello by my left making me smile lightly. Is he different? Has he had a haircut?... 

His eyes are hidden under his hair but not by a lot yet I can't see anything... There is however a large bite on his shoulder making me shudder... That is the only thing I remember doing on my own...

"Sorry for that... Bite..." I say looking away but finding that there is no other place to look anymore. I feel a bit nervous and not only that but also really paranoid... I feel like there are more than three people in here but I really can't see further...

"Well... It isn't like you were the one doing it, right?" I hear someone talk but I can't figure out whose voice it is... It sounds like multiple voices echoing through my head making me shiver. What is happening?...

"Alex? Can you hear me?" The voices are sounding worried but I can't tell who it is still... There is some of Y/N's voice, some of Garcello's, and even Colin is there somewhere... 

"I... I don't know who is speaking... It's like multiple people are talking at once..." I say but when I do I can only hear the voices speak. Am I even talking? Do they know?...

"I'm Garcello... What exactly is it that you can see, Alex?" I can feel my body relax slightly and I look around finding Garcello again. It almost looked like the wound was moving and something behind him was sneaking up closer!

"It's dark... I can see you and Y/N but... I can feel others too... I'm scared..." I tell him hearing my own voice again. I think I might be hallucinating...

"I might be hallucinating..." I continue to talk and I find Garcello moving closer slowly. What if it isn't him and someone is just lying? What if I'm dreaming?...

"Then I know... Now, we both need to tell you something..." I can hear the voice of Garcello! Finally, at least I can hear someone properly... But what he said made me worry...

"You didn't lie about loving me... Right?" I ask feeling like I can't handle more bad stuff happening anymore... Please tell me that he wasn't lying...

Promises ( Garcello x Reader ) [Being reworked to ao3]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora