❝ talent show ❞

178 3 6

- started : 25 july

- school has kept me busy but i'm back with a new username and ready to write so have this school related oneshot

gender neutral reader, lowercase intended

enjoy !! 😐

you began packing your stuff into your f/c bag. math class had just ended and it was time to go home. you looked back up at your teacher when he started to speak again.

"oh! i was told to tell you all that there will be a talent show in two days! you are all required to have something ready, even if you aren't going to perform. so start thinking and i'll see you tomorrow!" everyone mumbled in acknowledgment before walking out the door. you could already see some people pairing up and deciding what they were going to perform. you huffed, almost upset as you walked out the school doors to go to the bus stop. you were lonely but it never really bothered you. it was only a problem when you had to pair up or do anything group related. you let out a soft gasp as you walked right into someone. you looked up to see who it was and apologise but were lost for words when you met eyes with her.

"you walked into me." she said and you blushed, rubbing the back of your neck.

"yeah, sorry about that. what's your name." she sighed.

"barbara dumpy doo but you can call me custom wood burning. what's yours?"

"i'm y/n l/n." cwb looked to the sky for a second, thinking.

"that's an okay name, i guess." you blushed at the compliment.

"w-woah thanks c-customwoodburning. y-you're so nice. wanna do t-the talent show with m-me?" cwb shrugged.

"sure then. pass me your phone, i'll put my number into it so that we can text." you nodded and handed her your phone. soon enough she handed it back and nodded. "bye." she said and walked away. you waved cutely and headed to catch your bus.

-timeskip to the next day-

you woke up and drowsily grabbed your phone turning it on. you had a notification from customwoodburning and you blushed.

"she's so cool why would she ever text me." you opened up the text. it said

i have something to tell you...

go ahead you can tell me anything.

i'm a super famous tiktoker named customwoodburning and i just couldn't keep it a secret any longer... i'm sorry. 😐

you gasped at this, thoughts racing through your head at 1000 miles per hour.

😰😰😰 woah. i'm glad you told me at least. i'll talk to you at school when we prepare for the talent show.

you shut off your phone not bothering to wait for a response from your beloved barbara and went to school.

-timeskip to school-

you walked into english class and sat down. the class was about to unpack but was stopped by the teacher.

"class today there will be no classes. we are instead letting you all work with each other on your talent show project. off you go." everyone cheered and immediately left the room to go find their partner or friends. you smiled, picking up your bag and walking out after the other people to look for cwb. you found her sitting on a bench.

"hey customwoodburning." you smiled and she jumped in surprise.

"what." she said before quickly realising it was just y/n l/n. "oh hi y/n. what are we doing for the talent show."

"i think that i could do singing and you could do some woodburning based off the song.

"sure. what song are you going to si-"

"HEY!! y/n!" one of the mean girls yelled. "i bet you will be under average at singing."

"i think i'll be over average though." you responded, staying strong. you didn't want to seem weak to customwoodburning especially since she was basically famous. the mean girl growled like a baddie.

"shut up." you grinned and ran a hand through your hair as you prepared your comeback. time seemed to slow as the words flew out of your mouth.

"i dont shut up, i grow up ad when i look at you i throw up." the mean girl started crying while tiktok dancing.

"why." she sobbed and renegaded away. cwb smiled.

"#girlboss." she said and you both smiled at each other and for the rest of the day you practiced for the talent show.

-timeskip to the talent show bc i wanna go to bed-

you leaned against cwb for comfort as you watched the mean girl attempt at singing and failing miserably. you shook lightly from fear. you and barbara were next. this was your chance to prove to everyone that you were a true #woodburnwarrior and cool enough for school. you gripped customwoodburnings hand tightly and walked onto the stage. cwb summoned her table and the things she needed and you summoned your bright pink awesome cool amazing microphone. the music began to fade in and you began to sing. everyone was shocked, it sounded so so wonderful and cwbs amazing art was blowing everyone away.

"what you know about rolling down in the deep." you sang. after around 2-3 minutes the song began to fade out and cwb was finished with her art. you both stood up and bowed to the starstruck audience. you kissed cwb and everyone applauded. cwb sighed and looked at everyone.

"suck ups. 😑"

909 words

finished - 25 july

farewell my little wood burning until next time uwu - sugarrats

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