Chapter 27

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Kailee's POV
Today's the day I'm going to meet up with Bailee and talk about our babies. And some other things.
*at her house*
"Hey Bailee!" I gave her a hug and sat down on the couch. "Hey Kailee!" She sat down across from me. "How many months or weeks are you? Jamil told me the news." "2 weeks. How about you? Jamil also told me." "2 weeks also." "How old is Angela?" "One month." "Oh my god me too!" "Really? Samantha is one month?" I brought Angela with me. "Wanna see Samantha?" She said. "Sure." She brought Sam over and I let her hold my daughter and I held hers. She looked more like Jamil than Bailee. I put Samantha in her crib next to Bailee and grabbed Angie from her.
*three hours later*
"Bye it was nice seeing you!" "You too I said shutting the door." "Bitch." I said under my breath. Well she was so peppy and she talked really loud and she was so bossy. I know she's my brothers fiancé and everything but I feel so bad for Jamil. Bailee and I have a lot in common but that doesn't matter because she's really bossy. Anyways I got to my house in Miami and Jeffery was waiting on the couch. I was holding the baby and I sat on his lap and fed her breast milk I guess. When I was done with that I curled up with the baby in my arms in Jeffery's lap and we all fell asleep. Jeffery woke me up and said "baby we're having another baby?" "Well that's what happens when you have sex right?" he laughed and said "how many are we gonna have?" "How ever many you want I'll make em" "he kissed my lips and I grabbed his shirt and kissed back. Everytime we kiss it turns into a big ordeal. It wasn't sex though. It was just laying on top of each other while kissing with out our clothes but with out the whole '👌👈' thing. I let go and breathed in. "What's wrong baby? He said while putting his t-shirt on. "I don't like Bailee, my brothers fiancé. "Why? She's pretty ho--"No Jeffery she's a total ass to Jamil." He made a face 😳. "That's Jamil's fiancé?" I showed him a picture. "That's the girl I dated while I was dating you." "Ah she's a cheater too" I said. "You have to tell him." "Ah, he'll figure it out sooner or later." "What if it's later and they already have 10 kids?" "Jeffery it's fine I got it babe." I said while putting my shirt on. he got up and said "Lets go put Angie to sleep." I followed him to the living room and we got Angie and put her to sleep. I kissed her forehead. I texted the crew to come over and they came. We watched movies and talked. "Let's play truth or dare." "No remember the last time we played that?" "Oh come on don't be a wussy" Robert said. "Fine but I'm not responsible for anything we do." I replied. "Nailee ask Kailee Truth or dare." Robert said. "Kailee truth or dare?" Nailee said. "Dare." I replied. "I dare you to....ummm let Jeffery give you hickeys." "Not here though" I said. "Then go to the bathroom." I took Jefferys hand and brought him to the bathroom. "Don't get too crazy like last time!" Taylor joked. We were in the bathroom. "Listen Jeffery I don't know how to 'get a hickey' so can you just be careful?" "Want me to teach you?" He put his finger in my neck and told me to stay like that. So I did. He lifted me up and kissed my neck several times so there was a bruise. As he put me down I looked in the mirror to see the bruises. They didn't hurt they were just.. there. I opened the door and went to sit back down on the couch. "Let me see?" I lifted my neck so they could see them and they said "wow you actually did it." "Who's turn?" Jeffery said. "You're turn." Robert said to Jeffery. "Truth or dare?" "Dare" "I dare you to go to the bathroom with Kailee and..umm have it with her. "Dude I'm already pregnant." "oh I didn't know wow thanks for telling me." "You're welcome." I teased. "I dare you to Kailee give Jeffery a lap dance in the bathroom." Jeffery grabbed my hand and sat down on the toilet and said "You don't have to do this babe." "Lets just get it over with." The crew played "grind on me" he looked at me and mouthed "you sure?" "positive." I got on top of him and gave him the lap dance. It lasted like 3 minutes. But it felt so much longer. After that the crew left and Jeffery and I went to check on Angie. She was sound asleep.

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