Chapter Four

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The beaming smile on my face didn't falter for the entire walk home from my first kickboxing session. I hopped around the people bustling on the streets with a genuine happiness I hadn't experienced in months. Deciding to risk using my credit card and hoping Jules wouldn't check my finances for a while, I popped into the coffee shop and ordered an iced coffee and slice of millionaire shortbread. It had been so long since I treated myself to something but seeing as I was both exhausted and in a good mood from this session I decided it was worth it. And it was totally worth it. The way the chocolate and caramel melted in my mouth was nothing short of luxurious and I certainly savoured every bite.

As I sat at a corner table in the little cafe, I reflected on everything that happened today. Nat, the instructor, welcomed me in so warmly and I instantly felt as though I fit in. I was so used to being forgotten about and shoved to the side but both her and Wanda made me feel included. Nat helped me understand the fundamentals, showing me the correct twisting technique of the hook when I struggled and not once did she lose her patience with me. She set everyone else on drills and took her time to help me - an act of kindness I was not accustomed to. Wanda let me practice with her, not minding that she wasn't progressing onto the more advanced drills with the others as she was just glad to be guiding me through.

Nat briefly mentioned my bruises at the start of the session however, upon seeing how uncomfortable it made me she was quick to back off and it didn't come up for the remainder of the session. I was grateful to her for this. I could tell I would eventually be able to trust her, she had that trustworthy look in her eyes, but not that quickly. Besides, Jules hitting me was most likely a one off occurrence that wouldn't happen again.

Once I'd finished my shortbread, I grabbed my takeaway plastic cup and drank the rest of it on the way home. The paper straw was quick to break though, so I had to down the rest from the cup and chuck it in the bin. I waltzed in the door of my apartment, smile still wide, and was glad to see that Jules wasn't home yet. Despite everything she had done, I still loved her and was sure she still loved me so I wanted to surprise her when she got home from work. Besides, I needed to shower so she didn't suspect that I hadn't been to work.

After my shower, I put on some casual but good-looking clothes and decided a little bit of make-up wouldn't hurt. Then I lit some candles and got started on cooking a nice dinner for my girlfriend. I wasn't the most amazing chef, but I could make an incredible pasta bake so I began chopping the garlic and onion. This good mood I was in made me feel so free and I hummed a song softly as I continued making the meal. Soon enough, it was finished so I grated some cheese over the top and left it in the oven to keep warm whilst I waited for Jules.

Eventually, she wandered in to the apartment. She was late and I couldn't help feeling slightly betrayed as this was the reason I got a number of punches last week. Hypocrite. I brushed away the thought quickly as I noticed the smile on her face and cursed myself for jumping to conclusions about why she was late. Surely that was just stooping to her level.

"Something smells good, babe." Jules hummed as she sniffed the air.

"I made your favourite." I smiled, hoping that I'd put her in an okay mood with my decision.

"Thank you." She replied, pulling me away from the kitchen counter for a kiss. This was the Jules I fell in love with all those years ago. She wrapped her arms around my waist before placing another quick kiss on my lips. I broke away to get the pasta out the oven and placed it on the dining room table.

"Bon appetite." I giggled, serving her a plateful after pulling her chair out for her.

Somehow, with the smile on her face and her warm laugh and her gorgeous blonde hair I almost forgot about last week entirely. It completely slipped my mind that exactly a week ago this very woman was the person who connected her knuckles to my body and bought me down to the ground in extreme pain. And as the night went on I found myself forgiving her for what she did despite how hard I tried to stop myself. As we lay on the sofa with me tucked under her arms just like when we first began dating, I found myself thinking that this isn't so bad. That it was a one off thing. That she would never hit me again. And the longer I lay there, the more I convinced myself her emotional manipulation and gaslighting was just a figment of my own overactive imagination. Just as I had done every single time she came home in a good mood - hopeful that this was the time I wouldn't be disappointed.

A/N: I know this is short and I know there is not a lot of Nat x Reader interaction but be patient my readers - it will all be worth it in the end. But seriously this build up is necessary for the plot so please keep reading!

Hope you enjoyed!!

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