the first day.

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you're stressing your way out of the house to get to school in time. you hear your mom shouting at you.

- good luck nicole! she says.

you wave bye to her and hurry to the bus. you get there right in time. the bus ride is only 10 minutes but you almost fall asleep.

the bus stops and you start in 2 minutes and it's a 6 minute walk from the bus stop. you're running while checking the time on your phone.

the time is 8:32 when you are outside school. your hair is messed up from the wind and your lipstick is smudged. you don't have time to fix it so you just walk right into the classroom. everyone looks at you. you lock eyes with the new boy. you start to blush and then you hear someone call your name.

- Nicole, do you have something to say? the teacher says.

you look away and you almsot stutter from all the blushing.

- oh uh, i'm sorry for being late Mrs. Ford.

Mrs. Ford nods and looks at your seat beside the new boy. you quickly get there and put down your bag beside the table. you two lock eyes again and he smirks at you. you smile and then look away.

- hi class, i hope you all had a good summer break and all ready for this school year. we got a new classmate that is sitting beside Nicole, would you like to introduce yourself young man? Mrs. Ford says.

the new boy stands up and on the way up he puts his hand on your shoulder, you immediately blush and he stars talking.

- hi my name is Aiden and i'm 14, i just moved here from ireland and i'm excited to get to know you all.

- thank you Aiden, you may sit down and i will hand out the new school books to everyone. Mrs. Ford says.

he sits down and takes away his hand from your shoulder. you can smell his perfume, it smelled really good and then you hear him whisper.

- rough day Nicole? he says.

- you can say that. you say smiling.

he smiles and Mrs. Ford comes to our table. she hands our books and smile.

- i see you two getting along, would you like to be partners for the science project next week?

- i would love to. he says before you even get time to think.

- are you okay with that Nicole? Mrs. Ford asks.

- of course. you say smiling.

the new hot boy wants to be partners with me? you only thought stuff like this happens in movies. Mrs. Ford walks away and continues with the lesson. the bell rings and Aiden slips a note in to your hand, he then takes his bag and heads out. you open the note and read it.

"add my snap "aiden.k" it says. you smile and do as it says. you are on your way home from school and the time is 10:28 when you get a notification saying.

"aiden.k has added you back". you smile and snap him a picture of yourself. he snaps you back, "you're cute". you almost drop your phone when you read the message. you could die from happiness and this point. you snap back and say, "thanks you too!". you hop on the bus and you have never felt this happy. the first boy to say you're cute and he's hot!

after dinner you look at your phone, "aiden sent you a chat" you open it and it says "wanna come over and study for the science project?"

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