You'll see him and won't think much of him , he'll be the boy in your class who you think is cute but won't pay much attention to but then one day he'll start talking to you grabbing your attention in a different way , making you like him for who he is , he'll show you what it's like to except how things are , he'll show you a different kind of happiness , make you feel different
When you see this boy do not reply to his message he'll break you , show you that you can feel , that even though you don't get attached you will with him but he'll get bored and he'll leave but he'll lie about it make it seem like he'll come back and then slowly you'll realise he's not coming back at all and your the fool for getting attached and now when it's all over and you've realised the truth you have to find a way to move on but it's not so easy this time because he's everywhere you go , you see him and you break all over again , your favourite class becomes the thing you hate just because of him , you'll catch his eye see him looking at you , don't fall for it don't think it means anything run , move on because honey it's over and he ain't coming back to you because he got what he wanted he broke you
He won but now don't let him see how you are , find someone different they may not make you feel the way he did but they'll be different they won't hurt you like he did , do not look at him in class it shows him you still have feelings for him gives him another chance to break you
I say this now if you see that boy in your class who looks pretty average and normal don't go there , he's deadly , he'll be your weakness

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