In caveman times

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Back with the Weaselings....

They made it to the prehistoric times.

Tigs: Here we are, caveman times.

Tops: Oh boy! I wonder who our caveweasel ancestor is like?!

Arabella- We'll see.

Then , Snowball looks around and smells something

Tina: Something wrong Snowball?

Snowball chitters in fear and hops into Arabella's arms

Tigs: She smells something off.

Arbaella looks and sees something in the bushes.

Aeabella- Um guys ?

Malikai- Yes ?

Arabella- Look!

Then, a creature bursts out from hiding and reveals itself to be a prehistoric weasel.

All: Whoa!

The cave weasel looks at the heroes and growls

Morty: Easy, easy. Me Morty, you cave weasel.

Weasel- Hey, I know I'm a weasel, I'm not stupid.

They dropped their jaws*

Tigs: You... can speak?!

Weasel- Of course I can speak! I just learned how to speak weeks ago !

Tops: Mind blown!

Weasel- What are you all ? Rats ?

Jason: We're weasels like you.

Weasel- You dont look like it. Weasels today look like me

Pentol: I see.

Then , 10 baby weasels came squeaking

Tops and Arabella's eyes sparkled*

Both- Babies !

The baby weasels sniffed their father before one baby weasel pup bites onto Malikai's pants

Malikai chuckles: Hey.

Tina: Tigs, do you know about the history of this?

Tigs looks at his time scanner: About the first chaos heart tree, there is a star called the chaos heart star, it is given to the weasel who will create the chaos heart tree.

A weasel pup takes his time scanner with his mouth and walks to the other pups

Tigs: Hey, you silly.

The weasel pup looks at him sitting down with the scanner in his mouth

Tops: So who is our cave weasel ancestor who has the first chaos heart?

As Weasel picks his baby up , his heart faintly glows orange

Malikai: Is that a glow?

Weasel looks and sees his chest glowing

Tops gasped: You must be our ancestor!

Weasel- A what?

Tigs grabs the time scanner and scanned Weasel if he is their ancestor*

The scanner than rings

Tigs: It's true, you are our ancestor!

Weasel looks

Weasel- Then how come you all look small ?

Tops: Grandpa! *hugs him*

Weasel- Ah !

Tigs: We evolve many years grandpa, believe us.

The Weasel pups then run over to Jason and start playfully biting his legs

Jason chuckles*

One baby weasel gently nuzzles Snowball with his nose , naking her chitter happily before they see two different weasel puppy play fighting.

Weasel pup 1- Bah !

Weasel pup 2- Ah !

Weasel pup 1- Baaaaaaah !

Weasel pup 2- Aaaah !

Malikai: Well sibs, we need to travel to Arabian times before sis go sees the doctor.

Weasel- See ya kids.

Weasel then gathers up his babies and leaves in the jungle as the babies follow him in a line

The weaselings and friends get on the time machine*

They time traveled to Arabian times*

Arabella- Here we are

Thief: Now I can finally know who are my parents.

Arabella- Yeah

Pentol- Now where could they be ?

They went in the town*

Jason: I bet our ancestor is with the 40 thieves, and Thief's father is one of them.

Arabella- We are here for Thief. Not for us

Malikai: Com'on sis, we get to meet another ancestor of ours as well.

Arabella- My appointment is in a half hour !

Malikai: Okay okay calm down.

Thief looks around, Ship is in his pocket cooing*

Alberto- Awww !

Thief pets him: We're just going to quickly see your ancestor and my family weaselings.

Tigs- Okey dokey

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