Brock is forgiven

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Back in the HQ , Smarty has grown depressed as he becomes dark gray

SkekSav and his sisters, Trevor, Singe, Flamer, and Silva are there*

Savy rubbed Smarty's arm: Your father had a good funeral, he got buried next to your mother's grave.

The dark gray Smarty stays sadly silent

Savy texted future Silva of her time phone*

Malikai and the others looked at the depressed Smarty

Malikai: Smarty, talk to us. Why are you sad?

Smarty writes.

"Well first my Dad finally made up just before he died. I never even got to say I loved him..."

Savy: Oh dear.

Smarty depressingly turns the other way

Future Silva and Duck came out of the portal holding Ori*

Future Silva: I got your message mom, sorry we were late, we were dealing with this new villain and-

Arabella gasps as she sees Ori sleeping*

Arabella- Another one ?!

Snowball looks and sees the bluish white Ori

Ori opens his eyes*

Snowball jumped onto Silva and looks

Future Silva: Yes, he is our son Ori.

Snowball coos and looks at him

Ori looks at her, confused is she is his mother from the present*

Snowball is confused as well and sniffs him

Future Silva: Could she be Ori's mother?

After sniffing him , she chitters goofily amd rolls

Ori coos*

Future Silva: Awwww.

Duck: Anyway what happened?

Arabella- Smarty's Dad died and now look.

Everyone looks and sees the depressed dark gray weasel

Future Silva: Oh dad...

Smarty lays down tearing up

There was a knock on the door*

Malikai: Ugh, it better not be Tride again I swear I will- *opens it and sees angel Kellen with Angel Brock*

Jake: Grandma?!

Smarty sighs

Manic: Dad, someone is here to see you.

Smarty- Who is it ?

Angel Kellon and Angel Brock came in*

Smarty gasps and looks.

Snarty- M--Mom ? D-Dad ?

Brock: Hey son.

Malikai: Wait, we thought you went to Hell after you hurt your son Brock.

Brock: Well after I got killed, Death says on my record I did a good deed to save my son, so he said I can go to heaven, now I apologized to my wife and she forgives me.

Smarty cries happily

Brock looks down: Look son, I'm sorry for what I did to you and Piper all these years, your wife was right, I was selfish and a coward.

Smarty looks at them

Brock: I'm so sorry.

Smarty cried and hugs his father

Brock: Oh!

Savy looks at Smarty's fur*

It slowly starts to turn back.

Smarty- I forgive you......Dad.

Brock hugs him: I love you.... son.

Smarty cries happily as he turms back to normal.

Arabella- He's back !

Smarty then turns to Kellen.

Smarty- Mom!

Kellen: Hello son.

Smarty hugs his mother along with Piper

Rascal smiles*

Jake: So did grandpa change?

Kellen-( Smiles ) He did.

Kids: GRANDPA!!!

Jake, Manic, Sonia, Kelly, Ratter, Melody, David, Vanessa, Lucky, SkekSav, SkekEtte, SkekBelle, Flamer, Silva, Angel, Silas, Peter, Riper and Pips runs to Brock*

Brock: Oh boy.

They tackled him on the ground and they started hugging him and the babies playfully bite him while Brock chuckles*

Smarty, Rascal, SkekSil, Singe, and Trevor faint from all the children they have. Savy , Kellen , and Piper giggle

Then Malikai gets a call from Blitzo

Malikai: Yes?

Blitzo- Bestie I need to talk to you about something serious

Malikai: What is it?

Blitzo- Can you guys please come over here !

Blitzo hangs up

Malikai: Sibs, Blitzo needs us.

Arabella- Okey dokey. Imma let Snowball stay here with Ori

Snowball chitters and snuggles Ori.

Ori and the return of Smart guy's fatherWhere stories live. Discover now