The change.

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"Hey, you're such an idiot." I feel my blood boil and I stare at the person. Without breaking eye contact I pull a slender gun out of the pocket sewn into the inside of my jeans. I aim it at him. I take a shot. A direct hit. I collapse in a heap onto the concrete.
"Only Jake can save me from this madness within..." I say. Jake was Roblox boyfriend...Before things happened I guess. I hear a voice.
"Did you say...Jake?" I whip my head around. The person I had just killed was...Sitting up? And rapidly transforming into...Jake? 
"Oh. My. God." I say shakily. "Is it really you...?" Of course it was, I thought immediately after saying it. You don't see many half demons with glowing orange eyes around these parts anymore.
"Yep. Now c'mon baby you can get through this. Just put the gun away." I obey silently. He envelops me into his muscly arms and I realise how much I've missed him. And he had saved me. I sob cutely into his rock hard abs.

Just then my maths teacher walked past. I quickly rubbed my eyes on my shirt and stepped away from Jake. My maths teacher would surely tell my parents of he saw me with someone older than me like Jake. He was still sour I had refused to do my homework the previous week. He frowned at me, then crossed the road to talk to me.
"Hey Y/N...Are you okay?" He looks up at Jake, who gives him a sort of grimace in return. "And anyways...More importantly...Am I a VSCO girl?" I am taken aback.
"A VSCO girl? This isn't twenty-nineteen anymore. And besides," I look him up and down and check off my fingers, "no hydro-flask, scrunchie or shell necklace? Respectfully no." He looks downcast, until his whole body starts changing until he morphs into my sister. "What...?" I say, until I too, feel my body changing until I look down at my hands and notice instead, I have purple hooves.

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