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A little girl, no older than five, stumbled through the nightly streets of a city she didn't know the name of. She was holding her stomach with bloody hands while she whimpered and told herself a story.

"Are you the Last Centurion?", she called out to the strange man she had spotted in an alley by a dumpster.

"Pardon?", he asked, looking down at her.

"My sister said- She said", she seemed confused as she started to blink rapidly, "I have a sister."

"Do you? What about your parents? Where are your parents?", he asked, kneeling down a little to finally spot the blood on her hands.

He took her small hands in his own to find blood pouring from a shot wound.

"She shot me."

"Your sister shot you?", he asked with shock on his face.

"No, my mum shot me. But it's okay, she didn't know. I'll forget soon, they said. And I can fix this. Not much longer now", her hands started to glow.

Rassilon took a step back when he realised that this was the young Time Lord he couldn't explain. His Tardis had picked up a Time Lord child on Earth with no means to take her home. Thus, he took it upon himself, and here she was.

"What's your name?", he asked as her body started glowing brighter, little by little.

"I forget. I'm tired, sir", then she looked up as she jerked back.

Golden regeneration energy poured from her. Rassilon caught her when she just fainted after her regeneration. The girl was still a little ginger in bloody, dirty rags. He looked at her pitifully and carried her into his Tardis, off to take her home.

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