Chapter 11 - The Oracle's Daughter

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The Oracle's Daughter, part 2 -

Jenny had gotten a rifle as they went down the stairs. When they turned a corner there was a guard standing there. The Oracle pulled Jenny back.

"That's the way out", she whispered.

Jenny raised her rifle and was about to go when the Oracle pulled her back again, by her rifle this time.

"Don't you dare."

"Let me distract this one. I have picked up a few womanly wiles over the years", Donna stepped forward.

The Oracle pulled her back as well, "Let's save your wiles for later. In case of emergency. I should wear this coat more often."

She rummaged through her inside pockets and found a clockwork mouse that she set out as a distraction. The soldier turned around to investigate it and when he picked it up Jenny knocked him out from behind.

"I was going to distract him, not knock him out, we could have just walked past in that moment", the Oracle lectured her.

"Well, it worked, didn't it?"

She leaned down, picked up the mouse and checked on the soldier quickly, "They must have a copy of the new map somewhere. Just stay and don't hurt anyone else."

They moved through the tunnels until the Oracle stopped them, "Wait. This is it, the hidden tunnel. Must be a control panel somewhere."

She started sonicking the walls as Donna found another plaque, "It's another one of those numbers. They're everywhere."

"From the original builders, probably", the Oracle explained, "Some old cataloguing system."

"You got a pen? Bit of paper? Because, do you see, the numbers are counting down. This one ends in one four. The prison cell said one six."

The Oracle handed her both after rummaging through her pockets again.

"Always thinking, both of you. Who are you people?", Jenny asked.

"Told you, I'm the Oracle", she was still focused on the panels, "And weren't you the one bragging about your individual thoughts earlier?"

"The Oracle, that's it?"

"Martha calls her Jane. But she only ever says that", Donna shrugged, jotting down what she read on the plaque.

"So, you don't really have a name either? Are you an anomaly, too?"


"Oh, come off it. You're the most anomalous woman I've ever met", Donna scoffed.

The Oracle ripped a piece of wall off to reveal a control panel, "Here it is."

"And Time Lords? What are they for exactly?", Jenny stepped closer to her.

"For? It's a species, they're not for anything."

"So what do you do?"

"Travel. Through time and space", she muttered, busy with the panel and her sonic.

"They save planets, rescue civilisations, defeat terrible creatures. And they run a lot. Seriously, there is an outrageous amount of running involved", Donna explained.

Jenny grinned as the Oracle got a door open, "Got it!"

Suddenly they heard a troop approaching, led by Cobb's voice.

"Now, here's why we do all the running", the Oracle announced and led the way into the new passageway.

Soon enough they came to a halt in front of a corridor lit up by red lasers.

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