Chapter 20 : The End

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At the wedding reception I saw everyone smiling, dancing, annnd getting drunk

Who the heck invited the Chicken Shaman here?


In the middle of dancing Katelyn saw Travis make his way through the crowd to approach her

"H-hey Katelyn..."

"Hello Mr. Valkrum" She responded with a curtsy

"I want to tell you something?"

"What's up?"

"I finally remember everything"

"Y-you do?"

He silently nodded

"How long have you known?"

"The moment I said yes"

"Then you now remember how we used to be together..."

"The tacos, the walks in the park, the ice cream, the Demon Warlock, I remember everything now"

"What made you say yes?"

"I kept thinking of you, all the memories we shared together, you have always been such an incredible person to me Katelyn. I am very glad and proud to have you as my bestfriend. I said yes because I know I'll be happy with her, t-that's fine right?"

"More than fine...It's amazing!" She said while embracing him

"Hey Travis how about your first dance with Mrs. Valkrum?" Garroth said from the microphone, he had been emceeing the reception, fitting since he was always such a great entertainer

"I-I have to go now" Travis said

Before he walked off she stopped him by grabbing his shoulder


"Make every moment of being with her happy and memorable, be happy with her. That's all I ask from you"

"I will" He said with a wave before everyone cleared up to watch the new couple have their first dance

You two look so happy, I'm happy to have had been yours when we were together

How fast time moves huh?

"J-Jacob?" Katelyn said in shock being surprised on who snuck up on her

Jacob bowed and held his hand out "May I have this dance with you Katelyn?"

She smiled at him and blushed "I would love too"


I did put on one of my tags that this would be angst right?

Well maybe angst for you, the reader, because Katelyn did not end up with Travis. But not every 'angst' story has a sad ending

Sometimes our stories need to have hardships, sadness, pain, and anger so that we may finally be able to be happy

The happiness Katelyn felt when she finally was at peace with her old relationship with Travis was the best moment of her life, because this time she didn't have to go through everything alone

All she needed was a person to rely on

It didn't always have to be someone you loved as more than a friend

Sometimes the person you needed was a true friend

All Katelyn needed was a friend, she was lost because she didn't know where to go. He was lost because she didn't have anyone with her






This was what each first letter of the Chapters spelt out, in every Chapter she felt lost because she didn't have Travis. Sure in some Chapters you could see the both of them being together but it didn't feel the same

The love she felt for him didn't feel the same, and clearly the love Travis showed Katelyn was just platonic

But even if Travis didn't love her like how she did we all have to admit, what she did was kind of stupid

She was too blind of her love that she forgot what was infront of her, her bestfriend, Travis, a man who was willing to drop anything and everyone to care for his bestfriend

Doesn't she know that the love and bond two great friends heck bestfriends have will last for a long time?

I wish you all the best in your friendships as well as relationships if you have them and always remember

You are never alone

You will never be fully lost

Someone will always be there to guide you through the dark

But don't always rely on others

The first person you need to rely on,

The first person you need to love

Is yourself

Today might be hard but there will always be tomorrow

Please don't forget to take care of yourselves as the pandemic doesn't seem to be dying down soon or atleast in my country, although vaccines have been made and transported to some countries it doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful. Always remember to wash your hands and to wear a face mask and shield whenever you go out!

I hope you all enjoyed this story and I'm grateful if you stuck out especially until the end

Until then I'll be thinking of a new story to write

Bye for now everyone! :)

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