Chapter eight

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Okay so from now on Seokjin is just Jin. Just so you know. 

Jimin takes my hand in his, lifting my chin with his free hand so our eyes meet. He looks as if he's trying to find the right words to say and I look at him expectantly. "Y/N, actually, I-"

"What the hell is going on?" Jungkook opens the door, surprising both of us. My mind thanks Jungkook for appearing and ending this conversation, but my heart is dying to know what Jimin was going to say.

Jimin: "Nothing's going on."

"Yeah? Then why did you bring her here all of a sudden?"

"I just wanted to give back her necklace, she came for that reason, after all." Jimin hands me the necklace and I can clearly see the disappointment in Jungkook's face.

"That's why you came, you didn't come because I invited you."

"No, no, Jungkook, I-"

"It's fin, don't worry, I'm used to it, making friends is not my thing."

Ah Jimin! How do you complicate my life like that?! I can't just leave Jungkook like this. "Jungkook-"

"What are you all doing in here?" A feminine voice speaks behind Jungkook.

I turn to look at her and I see that she's the same girl that was playing with Jimin in the pool. I can't help but too tense a little.

Jungkook walks towards her and introduce us. "Sammy, this is Y/N, our neighbor."

She extends her hand towards me. "Hello, nice to meet you!"

"Same here." Why do I feel like I hate her without even knowing her?

Jealousy, it's all jealousy.

"Jungkook was talking to me about you, you go to the same school now, right?"

"Yes." I don't want to sound sharp but I can't help it.

"And, did you already jump in the pool? The water is amazing."

"No, I didn't bring any clothes to swim or get changed."

"I'll lend you something."

"No, don't worry, I was just about to leave anyways."

"So soon? The barbecue isn't even done yet."

"I... My mom only lets me stay out until eleven." Lies. my mom has night shift today, she wouldn't even had let me out of the house without a ton of explanations.

Jimin doesn't stop looking at me, and I notice a small smile curving up his lips. "It's still nine." You shut up sexy prince.

"Yes, stay a little longer, it'll be fun!" She puts her arm around my shoulder. "I can't believe I haven't met you until now."

Everyone looks at me waiting for my answer. I can't stay here, not again. I look at Jungkook, who is anxious waiting for my answer. I can't say no to him. "Alright, just a little bit more..."

"Yay!" She takes my hand and runs towards the backyard, pulling me with her.

When we step outside, I look at the three boys from the distance, still sitting down at the table. Yoongi is laughing at something that Jin says, when his eyes meet mine and he suddenly stops, a challenging smile curving his lips. "You have no idea what you just started." I remember his words.

Ah, Y/N! What have you done?

Jimin stops next to me and whispers something in my ear. "Stay away from him." I know he's talking about Yoongi. ff - Obsession - Jimin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now