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Name: Erich

Alias/Nickname: Ei-Ei

Age: 17

Gender: male

Species: demon/incubus

Hair color: black

Eye color: blue

Appearance: unbuttoned black leather vest, baggy sweatpants, flip-flops or barefoot, has a bull tattoo has his upper left chest plate, two small horns on the top of his head hidden within his hair, and a thin tail that has a spade at the end of it

Powers/talents/gifts/abilities: manipulate darkness, withdrawal souls, invulnerable, super strength, mind manipulation

Weapons: twin revolvers with knives under the barrel

Involved in: Seeress, RP

Personality: quick-tempered, selfish, greedy, a bit aloof, sarcastic

Family: Krismo Nacht- half- older brother, Viola Nacht- younger twin sister, Krishna Nacht- father, Ada-aunt, Helios Lark- uncle, Rudy- cousin, unknown mom

Partner: Colt

Likes: sex, tentacle pits, skateboarding, pain, heavy metal, fighting, drinking

Dislikes: being upstaged, reading, being neglected by father, candy, humans

Sayings: none

Extra: gay but hasn't fully come out yet, only his siblings and a few friends know

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